Thursday, March 2, 2017

'The Time Time Really Did Stand Still'

'The Time Time Really Did Stand Still'

A 'Timely' story by BuddyBlack, Mar.2017

Once upon a time there was a little clock in a big tower in the middle of the square of Timelytown, USA. So stout, and proud it stood so that all the Timely people could see its hands ticking away the minutes, and hours of their daily lives. As an even more reminder of its importance, the little time keeper tolled with a resounding bell the very moment that a Quarter hour, Half an hour, and then a Full hour had seemingly fleeted by. It was so efficient that the Timelytons had no need for a personal watch or clock of their own. In fact, the Timelytons had no need to even Think about time, as the little clock in the big tower in the middle of the square did their thinking for them. Day in, and day out, its little hands would wave and shout, 'it's 6am, time to rise and shine, it's 8am time for work, it's 10am, time for a break, it's 12noon time for lunch'. And in a timely fashion, it never failed to remind them that, 'time is money', 'time, like money once lost is lost forever', 'never cut a tree in wintertime', 'so late, so soon', 'it's never too late', 'time will tell', 'the clock is ticking', 'Time Stands Still for no one', and so on, and on, and on, ad nauseam. There was no one old enough in the timely little town of Timelytown to recall where the little clock tower came from. It seemed to have just been there forever, its history lost in time as it ticked, and tocked, and tolled away the lives of all who counted on its sage advice, and timely time. Of course it could only tell the 'now' not the past nor the future, only the 'now' seemed good enough for the Timelytons. They had no time for the past, and as for the future, 'time would tell', as busy, busy, they had no time to fret over that.
And then one dark, moonless night in the little town of Timelytown, all was eerily, and deafeningly quiet. So quiet in fact that the noise of it brought every Timelyton upright in their cozy beds, wondering what Was that 'noise' that awakens me at What Ever hour this be. But all that could be heard was the thunderous, excited heartbeats of every living being and thing in the little town of Timelytown. They waited as one, for the ticking of their timely time clock, the whirring of its little hands shouting out 'time quotes', and tolling away the time that was surely passing them by. But all that was heard was nothing but their heartbeats. 'WhatEver could the matter be' they feverishly wondered in unison. As they gathered around their little clock, in the big tower, in the middle of the square, reality struck them in real time, their little clock had timed-out. Its little hands frozen in time no longer shouting out to them, its tolling bell no longer so. A frenzied shout went out, 'quickly, someone repair our little clock, we are wasting precious time!' But no one came foreward, no one knew a single thing about their little clock, except how to tell the time it had always told them. It never had time to tell them how to repair it in case it failed.
And so it was true, time Does fly by, even when we Are looking, and it surely does Not stand still,.... except for in the little 'Town of Timelytown' with its little clock, in the big tower, in the middle of the square, where time defied tradition, and really Did stand still.

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