Thursday, March 30, 2017

'Creating An "Alternative Facts" 'Red Team''

'Creating An "Alternative Facts" 'Red Team''

Hmmmm...why does this smack of the ol'
'back door entry' method of counteracting established science? Now, I'm just guessing here, and this is Not an off the wall conspiracy theory so don't tag me with that label, again, that's Trumps job, but here we have Trump, and his whole cabinet who are anti-science, anti-global warming theory, wanting to destroy everything related to science and protection of our environment, and all of a sudden up pops these 'scientists' clothed in the guise of 'truth finders' clammering for a "red team", as they call it, as if a blue, green, yellow, or white "team", would not be blaringly Bold enough, to become an 'official' 'scientific investigative' body to; "operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund "red teams" to investigate "natural" causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations' climate science panel."
"One way to aid Congress in understanding more of the climate issue than what is produced by biased 'official' panels of the climate establishment is to organize and fund credible 'red teams' that look at issues such as natural variability, the failure of climate models and the huge benefits to society from affordable energy, carbon-based and otherwise," said witness John Christy, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, in his prepared testimony. "I would expect such a team would offer to Congress some very different conclusions regarding the human impacts on climate."
Yes, he 'Would' expect that a "credible team" would determine exactly that, seeing as how he would be living in Trumps back pocket, and Trump would be pulling the strings of yet another 'Trum-Pet' to further his "deconstruction' of America, and, of the whole world as we know it.
"A scientist's job is to continually challenge his/her own biases and ask 'How could I be wrong?'" Judith Curry, professor emeritus at Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network, said in her own testimony. "Playing 'devil's advocate' helps a scientist examine how their conclusions might be misguided and how they might be wrong. Overcoming one's own biases is difficult; an external devil's advocate can play a useful role in questioning and criticizing the logic of the argument."
Of course if one starts out "biased", and convinced that that one's 'investigation' can only prove one's pre-concieved beliefs, the results can only be self fullfilling. If anyone falls for this trickery at the hands of these diehard republican 'Trum-Pets' then there will be no hope for the furtherance of Real 'science' unless it's based on Trumps "Alternative Facts" method of the 'truth'.
So, not to be outdone by these narrow minded fools, and in line with this assinine suggestion, I 'suggest' that we impliment an 'Opaque Team' to 'investigate' whether 'water' is actually 'wet', as some un-informed, and biased Scientists worldwide proclaim. After extensive, and exhaustive 'scientific research', and of course after expending tons of tax payer monies, and becoming wealthy in the process, we shall submit our self fullfilling findings to Congress, and have our day in the sun.
Also, how can we be 'certain', and not just because some 'scientist' has told us so, that 'trees' as we 'see' them are actually the way they 'really' are. I propose that a 'Colorless Team' investigate the 'fact' that tree limbs may not be limbs at all, instead they may be the actual 'roots' of the tree, and the 'roots' are not roots, but quite the opposite. Just because some silly 'scientist' has convinced us of these 'facts' does not make it so. And of course we will spend lots, and lots of tax monies, use Trumps "Alternative Facts" method of determining the 'truth' of the matter, and then we'll submit our 'findings' to our boss, er, I mean Congress where they will validate our 'scientific' findings.
Trump, and his 'Trum-Puppets' are hellbent on setting the worlds 'scientific' clock back by a hundred years. If he, and they, are allowed to continue with this 'deconstructivism' policy of destroying everything that Real Science has acheived to date, and the possibilities for the future, then we deserve to be the fools that he wants us to be. Trump is simply an egomaniacal hand puppet of Stevie Bannon, the real architect of America's "deconstruction", and eventual demise. And as trump is want to say; "You ain't seen nothing yet". Only common sense, wiser minds, and 'checks and balances' can stop this Trump-Bus ride to hell. Wake up America, this is Not a 'dream', it's your worst 'nightmare'! :/

Prominent scientists operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund "red teams" to investigate "natural" causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations' climate science panel.

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