Tuesday, March 28, 2017

'We Have Met The 'Enemy''

'We Have Met The 'Enemy''

And Trump, who see's Obama, and Muslims, behind every tree is not concerned about America's home grown Militia Terrorists??? No where else on this little shrinking planet does another Nation allow Armed Anti-Government Extremist Militias to exist.
"According to In its annual count of militias, released today, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 276 militia groups – up from 202 in 2014, a 37 percent increase.
The number represents a renewal of growth after several years of declines. The movement grew explosively after President Obama was elected, from 42 groups in 2008 to a peak of 334 in 2011 before declining in recent years. The militia groups included in the SPLC count typically adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines and subscribe to groundless conspiracy theories about the federal government".(SPLC)
There are, according to SPLC, approx. 917 known Hate Groups in the United States, and at least one in every State.
This is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA folks! And we are 'worried' to a frazzle about a 'Muslim' terrorist sneaking into America!?? We don't need no stinkin' 'foreign' terrorist, hell, we have more of our Own than anyone else on this bomb pocketed planet already!
And this sniveling coward James Harris is just the tip of America's domestic terrorist ice berg! Unfortunately, he will not be meted the ultimate sentence of Death he deserves but will simply, and at our expense, become a prison 'hero' joining his fellow like minded snivelers, and a martyr to his still at large kinsmen.
As long as we don't clean up our Own 'house', how can we in good faith suggest to others how they should clean their Own?
It is way past the time that America should outlaw these Armed Militias and Hate Groups. We have met the 'enemy', and it is Them! :/


James Harris Jackson, 28, was handed down new charges of murder as an act of terrorism and hate Monday

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