Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Quickly! Arm Our Students! Quickly Now!'

'Quickly! Arm Our Students! Quickly Now!'

Well of Course Firearms should Not be allowed on campus, it goes without saying. If they are present in the classroom, that means that they will also be present in the dorms, frat houses, their motor vehicles, parties, school sponsored events, and student 'drunkfests'. Not only is all of this a potential for an accidental or angered shooting event, there's the great potential of firearm thefts from any of these venues. The chances that a 'student', not trained in the safe use of a firearm, possessing lack of maturity and common sense, would Ever have to confront, and neutralize a better armed, and trained 'terrorist' is slim to nil. But his chances of becoming a victim of another student, or himself, is great in comparison. The backers of these 'Arm The Students' laws, the NRA, couldn't give a crap less about the possible ramifications of this asinine policy. They exist by virtue of membership fees, donations, and their pals on Capital Hill, and as long as the NRA 'leaders' keep profiting from proliferating gun sales, and gun owner NRA membership, this NRA 'cancer' will never heal, and will only get worse. Make no mistake, the NRA 'owns' Capital Hill, without it they would simply 'die' by their own hand.
 We shoot, we 'cry', we re-load, and shoot again. We can legislate everything but common sense, and sane conflict resolution. And so we shoot, we 'cry', we re-load, and shoot again.
Guns will be allowed at Kansas's public universities on July 1, but faculty at all six schools are united against it.
Faculty from all six Kansas Board of Regents universities oppose legislation that come July 1 would allow students, faculty, administrators and visitors to carry a concealed handgun into campus buildings, according to a statement released Tuesday.

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