Wednesday, March 15, 2017

'Defend The EPA'

'Defend The EPA'
Wake the hell up Americans, that means Republicans as well by the way! The last time I checked, you are still Americans.
We All breathe the same air, drink the same water and count on a decently clean environment to exist in. If we allow Trump, and his 'scorched Earth' policy to prevail he will ensure that 'big business', his billionaire pals, and entitled minions will destroy the very things that we All have a right to enjoy, and has taken decades to attain. Our relatively clean environment, yes, which still needs work, did not get that way over night Or by itself. Rules and regulations insured that it got that way, and should Stay that way. Trump is trying to run America as if it were his own personal big business. Win or loose does not matter to him as long as his 'brand' wins and makes more money for himself and his entitled family and friends. He does not give a crap about the future of our children, our environment nor the state of our health when it has been destroyed by his egotistical, and self serving proclamations.
None of us can afford to be apathetic or pretend that Trump knows what's best for Americans while he attempts to convince us that we know nothing. Americans must ask questions of our leaders, investigate, be vigilant of "Fake news" spewed by both parties, fact check, don't believe Everything you read or hear, and don't take a politicians promises at face value. If it sounds too good to be 'true', then it's probably not true. Help save our valuable environment and oppose Trumps plan to destroy it. Stop the destruction of the EPA, and NOAA!

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