Tuesday, February 28, 2017

'What Blurt Next?'

'What Blurt Next?'

Is there No End to what this man, our so-called Commander-In-Chief will blurt next?? What an incredible class act of 'passing the buck'! Here's what you got with your wasted Vote, 'Trum-Pets', how very 'proud' you must be. A man who is 'never' wrong, 'never' makes a mistake, finds fault in Anything that was 'not' his idea, 'praises' the Military out of one corner of his unbridled mouth, while 'dissing' them from the Other corner. “This was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something they wanted to do,” Trump said. Ohhhhh..."they", the generals, "wanted to do". Just a simple little operation that our President, our Commander-In-Chief takes absolutly No Responsibility for. None! Had 'nothing' to do with it. Obama's fault. The Militarys fault. Blameless Trump. Just a 'bystander'. Too busy with his nocturnal tweeter whacking sessions to play 'Commander-In-Chief' while our hard working Military is out facing danger and possible Death fighting ISIS, which Trump claims he has a "plan" to "destroy", a 'plan' yet to be revealed, by the way. Too busy fighting the "disgusting" "Opposition Party" media, and making more 'promises' than even Jesus himself could ever fullfil, than to even Pretend to be Commander-In-Chief. Of course all this comes from the very person who while campaigning said that he "knows more" than all our 'Generals' will Ever know. This from a man who by virtue of privalege, and 'class' wiggled out of military service, and who has No clue as to what our Military even Does, except to say that it's "broken" and needs His help fixing it. “They came to me, they explained what they wanted to do. The generals — who are very respected, my generals are the most respected that we’ve had in many decades, I believe. And they lost Ryan,” he added. An Obvious dig at 'incompetant brass', "The generals". If only Trump had been able to suit up and go With them, and 'show them' how to conduct a 'firefight' surely they would 'not' have "lost Ryan". No Clue! Ah, Mr.Trump, 'Fact News Alert', they use Real bullets in Wars, even the "bad hombres" use them! But he has no clue. Never been there, and glad of it. “Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He’s been losing so long he doesn’t know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in – bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero Ryan died on a winning mission (according to General Mattis), not a ‘failure.’ Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!” Trump crowed in a series of three early-morning tweets on Feb. 9. Well, of 'Course' McCain would be totally ignorant of 'warfare' and That sort of thing, in Trumps small, tunnel visioned mind. Trump could 'really' school him on That part of life. This 'blame it on the Other guy', it's not My fault, everyone is trying to make me look bad, there's an 'enemy' behind every tree, I'm the best President Ever, mentality is what we are going to see for the duration because he's Not going to 'change', because he does Not know how. He has No Clue! And as he is infamous for saying, "You ain't seen nothing yet".
In the Trump administration, the buck apparently stops anywhere but the Oval Office. President Trump on Tuesday blamed the military for the death of Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, a Navy…

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