Monday, March 13, 2017

'Warm? Oh, I Know Why, I Know, I Know!'

'Warm? Oh, I Know Why, I Know, I Know!'

' Yeah, you see, nobody knows as much about pollution, especially alleged 'air pollution' than I do. Nobody, well, except maybe for my 'boss'. He actually 'knows' so much that No one can tell him what to do about anything! Now, That's 'smart' alright. That's why he our 'leader' now. He even knows everything there is to know about 'leader' stuff. But I know more about this alleged 'warmin' thing, and That means I know more about what's causing this 'alleged' so-called 'global warming' thing than even those 'know nothing' scientists that have been studying it for decades. You see, they are relying on that so called scientific stuff from which to draw their conclusions. I don't have to waste my time, Or yours, with all that silly study stuff because you see, I was born with the innate ability to just 'know' stuff'. That's why I got elected to be in charge of our environmet. I was the best Man for the job. That's the way it 'works' in our government now. The very best of the 'crop' gets picked to do the job. All I have to do is 'think' about something that I want to know everything about, and whamo, there it is, all crammed up in my pointy little head just looking for a reason, like right now, to jump out and grab ya. So here's what I 'know' about this silly 'warming' stuff, and other stuff. The reason it's getting 'warmer', which I'm not saying it is, or not, is because people are 'warm' themselves. You see we are all at about 107.8 degrees. That's a Lot of warm for you. Lots of it! So there's like Billions of human people on Earth, Thre Billion right here in America, not to count a bunch of non humans, and lots of furry animals that are also pretty 'warm'. It's actually pretty toasty here on earth, except when it's cold, and all that 'warm' has to go somewhere. S,o because heat 'allegedly' according to scientists, who could be wrong about that as well, rises. Now, if you're inside a building or undergroud in say, like a 'bug-out shelter, it wouldn't go anywhere. Just stays there. But if outside, it, again, according to 'scientist', rises. Goes up. And how far does it go you might ask. Well, not real far because as we all 'know', again, according to scientists, allegedly, the higher you go, the colder it gets. But if you 'think' about That one like Ido, shouldn't it get 'warmer' the higher you go, because after all, you're getting closer to the Sun. Just sayin'. So if that's 'true', and I'm not saying it's true or not, pretty soon all that 'warm' air reaches that cold air which turns that warm air into cold air. You see, it's all pretty simple if you 'think' about it long enough like I do. I know, I know, you're gonna say, 'hey, Mr. Science guy, how about all that heat and stuff from billions of motor vehicles, what about that, where does it go, huh, huh?' Same answer folks. It just turns into cold air up there. So what, you might ask, is causing this 'alleged' 'global warming'. It's simple, and I'm surprised that they who say they know these things, didn't think of this, it's caused, if it's real in the first place, by the Sun. Now that baby is Hot! I mean Real hot! According to these so called 'scientists'. I hear that you, Or me, can't even walk on the sun. It would probably melt your flip flops right off! Imagine that! Right off your feet! You'd have to take extra ones with you or just wrap a little foil around your feet! So, what do we 'do' about this alleged, 'warm' problem, if it even Is a 'problem' in the first place, which I'm not saying it is or isn't. But hey, I don't see it as a problem myself. I don't plan on going any 'higher' than I am right now. Never did. Never will. Hey, get This, it's Hard to imagine that I used to sue the pants off this very redundantly, useless agency, and Now look at me, 'The fox in charge of the hen house'. Whata hoot! But any way, in the winter, it's too darn cold here in the first place! I say,'warm' it up a bit already! But seriously folks, I think we should just put a big sunshade between here and the Sun. If we get too chilly, open it up a bit, if we get too 'warm', just close it a bit. From now on, we're gonna use our heads for something besides a hat rack around this place, starting right Now! We're gonna be 'thinkers', and 'doer's, just like our new tweeter 'boss'
Well, now that I've 'cleared' that one up fr you, I have some rivers and lakes to foul, and some prime mountain ranges to denude, and lakes to fill with run-off from mining industries, and oil/gas wells to drill in our National Parks, so much pretty stuff to destroy, so little time. Gotta make one of America's new 'owners', the NRA, happy, and bring back those spiffy Lead bullets. I 'know' for absolute 'fact', as I know it, having subscribed to our Presidents "Alternatie Facts' theory of 'truth', that there's absolutly no problem at all lead bullets. Look, if it was so bad as these so-called scientists allege, we wouldn't let our military guys use them when off they go to war, now would we. We certainly wouldn't let them shoot our Enemies with something that would make them sick, now would we? See!? So don't worry about your environment folks, Mr. Trump hired me to 'take care' of it for you, and by golly that's what I'm gonna do! Your President 'said' to me, 'Scotty boy, go out there and do a 'job' on my serfs environment', and, as promised, I'm doing it.
And as Mr. Trump has often said, "you ain't seen nothing yet".' :/ :/

Scott Pruitt, the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, defied longstanding scientific consensus in an interview this week when he said that neither human activity nor carbon dioxide emissions are the primary cause of global warming. Pruitt has stacked his staff with like-minded climate c...

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