Saturday, March 11, 2017

'I Used To Be A Doctor, Now I'm An Ignorant Politician'

'I Used To Be A Doctor, Now I'm An Ignorant Politician'

'Really, I'm not just kidding around here. Poor people just don't give a rats butt about their health. They couldn't care less! Hey, I was a doctor for thirty years, and I should 'know' something, or 'something', about cause and effect, but I don't let that stand in the way of making stupid judgment calls about apathetic poor folks. I just jump right in and give it a good tussle no matter how asinine it makes me look. Gotta get my brand out there somehow. So here's what I really, from my heart, think of poor people, “morally, spiritually, socially,” the poor, including the homeless, “just don’t want health care.” Yep, those poor souls have no 'morals', no 'spirituality', absolutely Jesus-less, and a serious lack of 'social' skills. I've actually seen them eat food. Yikes! And no manners at all! Just not cut out to care about "health care and aren’t going to take care of themselves.” They aren't like you or Me, especially me, who have all those necessary ingredients, including lots of free flowing, fluid cash, to be healthy, superior human beings who absolutely suck up to good health care, the very best our money can buy. Nope, not even nearly! Sure, psychologically they are probably downtrodden in the brain from years of being on the 'poor roles', and their self esteem has probably been shot to hell, and they probably feel that, 'what the heck does it matter if I'm healthy or not, I'm just gonna die healthy but still poor, so what's the friggin' point', and they don't have two nickels in their dirty pockets to rub together which makes them feel useless, and they probably feel they have nothing worth living for so why bother staying healthy, especially when they can't afford to buy groceries for themselves, and especially for their families. Lame excuses, lame, lame, lame. But hey, Since I bailed from the more than lucrative medical profession and getting rich from billing the feds for my ridiculously high medical fees, fees so high that those poor people could never hope to see me, and raking in those scrumptious pharmaceutical company freebies, I decided that I'd jump into politics where I can get rich all over again, saying, and doing really stupid things. And look at me Now, it's working, I'm a hot dog Republican Congressman already making big bucks, already got my name on my shirt, and doing dumb stuff that Republican Congressmen are known best for, saying, and doing stupid, dumb stuff. I'm living proof that just because you know a Fibia from a hang nail, doesn't mean you have the common sense of...hmmm...well, somebody like Dr. Ben Carson for instance, there's a guy with 'lots' of 'common', very common, sense. Ok, that's a stretch, may not be the best example, but you get the jest of it all.' :/

See More
Rep. Roger Marshall, a physician, responded to criticism of his health-care views in a statement Thursday.|By Kristine Phillips

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