Tuesday, March 28, 2017

'The Bravest Man In Russia'

'The Bravest Man In Russia'

Alexei Navalny may very well be the bravest man in Russia, maybe even on earth! He 'knows' that his chances of physical survival is about on the level of a bug hitting a windshield at 90mph. In Putins Russia, there's no such thing as 'democracy' as we know it in America. Putin, Trumps 'almost lover', alone decides what will 'pass' as a show of his form of that institution. Anything you may see from Russia that even remotely 'looks' like democracy, exists because he, at the moment, allows it to be so, because it serves his own agenda at that moment. He decides, and totally controls every aspect of what it is to be Russian, in His Russia. He alone controls the very things that ensure his survival as dictator; the military, the police, the judiciary, and his spy apparatus, which in turn controls the actual news, and civil communications that the public has access to. Putin decides what the public sees, and hears. He was a good student of how, and how not, to ensure the survivability of Russia, from its former rulers mistakes. He is not about to allow his own head be stuck on a spike at the palace gates. He controls that 'gate'. He alone decides who enters or exists that gate, and the fate of those who would foolishly oppose his iron fisted authoritorian rule. The Russians lost their chance of 'democracy' when the Soviet Union fell apart, and fell under the spell of Putins promise to "make Russia great again".
Alexei Navalny is a realist, he knows what possible fate awaits him. He does not at present, nor likely to ever, have control nor have support of any faction of the military who are not about to voluntarily sever their own heads, and give up what Putin, their great 'benefactor', has given them. Same with the police, and on down the line. Alexei may have vocal support of a few thousands of disgruntled citizens but it would take the support of Putins military, and three quarters of Russian citizens to prevail. Is it 'possible'? Anything is 'possible', but the actual 'probability' is slim to nil. Putin will see these demonstrations as a threat to his throne, and he is not a dictator who will be irritated by pesky flies without recourse. First, Alexei's most vocal supporters will be dealt with as necessary to 'silence' them, then the next layer of supporters will be 'quieted', then the next until at last anyone who even breathes the hint of rebellion will think twice, and be thankful for their next free living breath. Alexei will temporally be allowed his freedom to protest into a black void until his followers are no longer a pest, and then he will meet with an 'unfortunate accident', or some troubling, and eventual terminal 'health' issue. 'Freedom' will not come 'free' in Putins Russia.
Good luck Alexei Navalny, the bravest man in Russia.

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