Monday, March 27, 2017

'Don't Take A Truncheon To A Knife Fight'

As brave as they may be, and I applaud their success to date, and I think it commendable that they don't live in a 'wild west' world, they are harking back to a time when there were no fanatical 'religious' terrorists knocking at their door with wants to destroy everything we 'infidels' stand for. That officer who was butchered by this fanatic would quite possibly be alive today had he been armed... to defend himself, and the public he was hired to protect. The British, and we all, are living in a different world where you do not take a can of mace or a truncheon to a gun or knife fight. The Brits abhor the thought of arming their police beyond the few special ops units, who cannot be everywhere at once. It's great that they have fired only 8 shots in years, killed only 5-6 bad guys, and on and on, but this cavalier attitude that it seems acceptable to have an officer sliced and diced by a madman, is mad itself. The British can continue to live in the past, and in denial of the present by leaving their police defenseless against terrorists, can only lead to more police being slaughtered by terrorist who know that British Police are easy pickings. Police are charged with protecting the public, however, if they can't protect themselves first, then everyone loses.

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