Thursday, March 23, 2017

'Nope, Still Nothing Mr. President''

'Nope, Still Nothing Mr. President'
We have a serial liar as President of The United States of America. He finds it easier to tell an outright lie than to simply tell the simple truth, about Anything. He manufactures conspiracy theories that even a certified dolt would find incredible, he believes his outlandish 'theories', and lies, and would have us all believe it right along with him. People with common sense reject his idiocy,... and Republicans go out of their way to suck up his lying drool. The difference between Trumps lies, and your average liar, is that most people who tell lies 'know' that it's a lie, and so they are simply trying to deceive, but with Trump, he actually 'believes' that the lies he tells are the 'truth', and so in the end deceives himself. To Him, he is not 'lying', he actually believes that what he say's is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Serial liars believe their own lies. Trump is a Serial liar. How can he Ever be taken at his 'word', when his word means nothing. Had he been required to submit to a battery of psychological, and personality testing, he would have failed outright, and we could have avoided this mess. It is incredible that No testing of Any kind is required for the Office of President. Just to become a Law Enforcement Officer one must take and pass a psych. exam, then attend a police academy for at least 3 months, some even more, in order to just be taught the Basics of L.E. Yet, to become President all you need is Millions and Millions of $$$, and B.S. enough voters, and you get it. America, and the whole world are being held 'hostage' by a man who lives in his Own "Alternative Facts" world of fantasy, and make believe, where he is ruled by such paranoia that he see's an Obama, a man he is obsessed with hating, behind every tree. And we can 'thank' the antiquated 'Electoral College' for his pitiful presence. Be careful what you wish for.... :/

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