Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Golfing Is ,So Like 'Work'

Golfing Is ,So Like 'Work'

'So, Ok, look, we all 'know' that my boss is one hellava workaholic, up at all hours of the night practicing government business with official tweets, running hither and yon in D.C., and New York City, Palm Beach, you know, the Other White House's. I mean, he is one busy guy! And look at all the 'great' things he has done to, err, I mean 'for' America since he became our wonderfully exalted 'leader'. Lots of things, hundreds of things! More than can be counted on both hands and all your toes too, and by his Own count, "millions".
So, we all 'know' what it's like to be swamped with work, sometimes it's nice to just relax on the tax payers money on a nice private golf course, you know, one like his Own for instance, out of the public and medias eye, and just sit back and sink a few holes with friends and billionaire cronies. Well, the President is no different, except for his billions of dollars, than the sub average Joe. Every once in a while, about ten times in the last eight weeks or so, he likes to jet down in Air Force One, at the tax payers expense, to his Third White House, in Palm Beach and relax a bit, smooze with Foreign Dips., do some sucking up, impressing the 'have nots', and do a little diplomatic bull shi##ing on the side. After all, he is "entitled to a bit of privacy", what with being 'entitled birth' and all. But he gets a lot done while on his mini vacations, he's not just lounging by the pool checking out, and grabbing the hot babes, or playing golf 'all' the time, like that disgusting money wasting Obama always did. Why, just recently, “He had a mini-Cabinet meeting down — or two weekends ago — down at his club in Virginia,” “I remember so many people jumping to the conclusion that he was going down and playing golf. Just because you go somewhere doesn’t necessarily mean you did it. So, on a couple occasions, he’s actually conducted meetings there. He’s actually had phone calls. So, just because he heads there doesn’t mean that that’s what’s happening.” Yeah, people actually called him on the phone, 'Hey Donnie, your good friend Vlad here, cold in Ruska, might come see you in Florida sun, check out hot American girls, eh,' and they talked business, government business that is. He knows lots of foreign leaders that like to play golf and lay out in the Florida sun, and they love women just like the President does, so he invites them to come there instead of to that cold, dreary, ice land of Washington D.C. I mean, who wants to go there!? "It is unclear exactly what Trump has done on all of his visits to golf courses, because his aides have been vague when asked if the president was playing the game". Of course that old tired term, 'transparency in government' does not apply to our President because as he has said on numerous occasions, "I am conflict free", and of course we all know that he is more than "exempt" from any ethics rules. So, what's the big deal here folks? It's Your tax money! You hired him! You 'knew' what he was like! 'You 'knew' he was a 'snake' when you took him in'. If you expect our President to get any work done at all, then he must be on the links more often than not. Golf helps him clear his mind of all those useless investigations, and those mean things people say about him behind his back. So he likes to play a round or two of gold every weekend at Americas expense, well you'll be 'thanking' him as soon as he has time to get some official government work done. You 'know' he's 'working' when he's tweeting in his nocturnal hours. Now leave him alone or you'll get on his 'payback' list!' ;)

During Obama’s terms of office and the election campaign, Donald Trump frequently took aim at Obama’s golf games, decrying them as scandalous in light of “the problems and difficu…

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