Tuesday, March 14, 2017

DNA, Invasion Of Privacy

This Invasion of Privacy idea, will only happen if Americans bow to Trumps biddings by becoming subservient, compliant, mindless puppets that he wishes us to become. There is no good 'Reason' that an employer, Any employer, would need our DNA for Any reason or excuses that they could Ever come up with, except to use for their Own nefarious purposes in discriminating against potential or current employees. Our DNA, the very things that makes us Human Beings is the only thing we have keft that actually belongs to Us! It is our personal being. It is what we are! It should be Private and shared by an individual only by their informed dicision. No one has the right, especially our employer, to our genetic make-up! This idioticy would allow employers to hire and fire based on DNA results that might show even a Future chance of an employee contracting a certain illness or some genetic problem. They will say that 'no names will be attached to the DNA sample and results, and the employer will not 'know' the identity of the DNA owner, and that it will be kept safe from public scruteny'. That is absolute B.S! If anyone believes for even one second that an employer won't or can't be able to identify and connect an employee to a DNA test results, is the fool of the century! Our government can't even keep Top Secret CIA and NASA information safe from hackers! Is your employer able to do better than the CIA or NASA!? Not Even! This is a travisty in the making! This is Still, at the moment, America, The United States of America, not some Orwellian, socialist regime where we are ruled by dictatorship, and have no free choice! There is so much potential for Abuse in the workplace, and any place else in our lives with this, and any place that a person might go with their DNA results following them, that it is beyond insane that they are even suggesting this tact. How much different is this than being 'micro-chipped', or a special identifying 'Tattoo'?? Americans have got to stand the hell up and fight this asinine "wellness program", as they call it, and shove this idea back into the cess pool it came from! Another absolutly stupid Republican, Trump, and Administration brain Far# that Americans had better fight to prevent it from Ever being even thought of again!

Trump has not offered evidence to support his explosive wiretapping tweets, in which he compared the alleged wiretapping to the Watergate scandal.

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