Thursday, March 9, 2017

Oh Great! Now WE Gotta Pay For It!

Really!????? No! Say it ain't So! Doggone it! Mr. Trump 'promised' that they would. Hey, I know what. How about we Americans pay for it instead! I bet Mr.Trump, 'the promise maker-breaker will figure out 'some' clever way to insure that We foot the bill. Here's an 'idea', how about if he takes his budget axe, finds some really 'needless' government agencies, and just chop the H-E-double L right out of''em, right down to the quick! That way instead of the Billions of $$$$$$$ coming right out of our pockets in one fell swoop, we can pay for it over the next Billion friggin' years! And, in the process, thousands of governmental jobs, you know, where Americans work for their living doing needless, overbearing government stuff, will be put Out Of Work joining the ranks of folks Looking for work. Then Mr.Trump can say, 'See, I told you there were millions of Americans out of work, but I'm gonna make Millions, and millions, and millions of jobs by putting people Out of work so that I can find jobs for them and get a pat on the back for being clever'! Let's see now, perhaps he could chop down that useless 'EPA' tree. We have absolutely no use for fresh, clean water to drink, and play in, same for fresh air to breathe, and who the heck needs clean rivers, lakes, wetlands, scenic mountains, National Parks, and chop Federal Protected Lands right down to the ground, No need for the feds to own land and protect it from loggers, mine operations, oil and gas drilling and cow farmers who whine because they aren't allowed to fence in and overgraze, and burn off 'range' land. And what else...oh yeah, he could drastically cut or even eliminate budgeting for things like the Coast Guard, Airport security things like that just so he can find the $$$ to build a 'much more needed' wall. Oh wait, he's already doing all that. What a 'thinker' he is. What a snake oil salesman. What a, what Ever. He is the definition of 'Madness', and we must suffer his delusions simply by virtue of an antiquated, and arcane Electoral College voting system. Even More madness. Remember Republicans, and other buyers of 'snake oil', Trump may be President, but not by popular Vote. The majority of sensible Americans, said 'No Thank You', and these are Americans who will Not change their minds no matter what flavor of 'snake oil' he comes up with.

Even Mitch McConnell Doesn't Think Mexico Will Pay For The Border Wall

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