Thursday, March 9, 2017

More Madness

All This, just so this paranoid fool can build a friggin' 'Wall'! Anyone who actually 'believed' him when he 'promised' that "Mexico will pay for my wall" needs to pull their heads out of their butts and get some fresh air and see the Light! WE, ALL of us, Democrats and Republicans, and everyone in between, are going to pay for this thing in more ways than one, and all of it bad! Everything tha...t the EPA has spent decades cleaning up from Industrial and public pollution alike is being trashed by 'Trump the Promise maker', the man who see's an illegal alien behind every tree, and see's a 'wall' as the only solution. Republicans, and any other easily fooled person who voted this travesty in to the White House must be feeling pretty smug and 'proud' right about now. This is what we get with Your Votes. This will get him his 'wall', and allow his big bucks Billionaire cronies, and himself, and family, destroy our environment from one end to the other. If you don't believe this will happen, then you were born After the EPA came on scene Dec. 2, 1970. Prior to the EPA our Environment was on pare with what China's environment is now. Lung choking, water, and land polluted wasteland! If you don't believe That, then do some 'fact checking'. He says that now the 'States' themselves will be able to make rules instead of the EPA. If you believe That one, then I can sell you a screen door for a submarine! Unfortunately, the Republican States will side with Trump and then the mining and oil industries along with any industry that whines about Environmental regulations will simply make 'rules' that benefit themselves, the public be damned. And of course, sadly, even in the Democrat States big industry will follow suit or they will find themselves at a $$$$ disadvantage otherwise. If he is allowed to follow through with these asinine cuts in funding the EPA, we will all be screwed whether you are a Trump fan or not, all of us. We all live and breathe on the same Planet, the same Continent, the same Nation, our 'Home', The United States of America, the Only one we have. If big business is allowed to make their Own 'rules' and 'regulations' they will trash our 'home' without regard as to who will suffer as a result while they laugh all the way to Their $$$bank$$$, and throw our environment back to pre 1970. Stop this Madness :/
Alt National Park Service
11 hrs

Have you seen what the EPA budget cuts look like? This is a list of some of the program budget cuts which will occur under the new administration. (Numbers are in millions)

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