Wednesday, March 8, 2017

'America, Where Is Your Voice!?'

'America, Where Is Your Voice!?'

Well, There's a 'logical' as anyhing Else he dreams up, 'Trump mindwarp' in the making.
Let's see how this works in Trumps "Alternative Facts" way of thinking. Ok, so since 9/11 we have pretty much plugged the holes in the Airport Security realm. At least so far, so good. And the Coast Guard, get it, 'Coast GUARD' is charged with our Maritime Ports Of Entry Security, Search, and Rescue in open waters, as well as during hurricane, flood, natural disaster events, Drug and Illegal Immigrant Interdiction, and patroling our coastal waters, just to name a Few. These two entities are well established and necessary agencies that povide important SECURITY for America. There can be No 'question' about that fact. And of course it's a given that drugs and illegal aliens actually defeat our southern border security practically at will. Trump championed a 'wall' to his followers to 'stop' that seemingly flood of activity. He 'promised' that "Mexico would pay for it", but of course we always knew that would Never happen. But of course once he 'promises' something, no matter how assinine, he is driven to follow through no matter the cost to Americans, there's no cost to him, remember, he has never, and never will, pay taxes like the rest of us do. So now having been rebuffed by Mexico, he now must find some crazy method of making Americans pay for it without us realizing that we are in all actuallity, doing just that. Money, money, money. Where to get it. Money does not grow on 'trees', unless it's one of Trumps Personal money 'trees', which since becoming President, are growing in leaps and bounds. Of course, His personal money is out of play, so he must now get it from us, the taxpayers. He must find some way to stop those "bad hombres" from crossing the one venue left open for them. And his way of doing that is to defund the two agencies that are actually working as intended, 'Security, Security. So, take money from Air Port security, and the Coast Guard which will make it harder for them to do more with less, and creating 'holes' in the dike that cannot be plugged with wishes only. Later, he will surely claim,'see, broken, I told you America's broken'. He 'steals from peter to pay paul'. Now, that method of procurring funds might work in a 'business world' setting, for a while anyway, but that's a horse of a different color. He is trying to treat our United States of America as his own personal 'business', and looking for personal, and instant gratification, at our expense. His 'scorched earth' policy of administration where he destroys protection agencies, rules and regulations left and right just because they may be associated with former President Obama, or to make his billionaire cronies even richer, is Not going to "Make America great Again", we were already 'Great' before he came on scene. His knee jerk policy will simple do greater harm than he could ever hope otherwise, and our security, environment, and World Standing will suffer, possibly beyond repair. He seems to think that to save a tree with a broken limb, he must cut the tree down in order to save it from itself. To Trump, America IS that 'tree'. Instead of trimming a 'broken limb' and nursing the 'tree' back to health, he is willing to 'clear cut' the whole forest, and try to replant in the now sterile ground so that he can proudly proclaim, 'see what I've done, I saved America from itself, and soon we'll have a new forest, and I did it all by myself!' What folly! What unmitigated stupidity! Is there no end to this mans idiocy in his brain dulling quest to always be right even in the face of 'wrong'? The one thing that will allow him to continue, is Americas 'Apathy'. He will not stop nor go away on his Own. Concerned Americans must stand up and be counted, of course Not counted by Him, because He uses his "Alternative Facts" method of 'counting' to get the 'numbers' he wants. Just sitting around and fuming about Trumps less than Presidential antics, tweets, and destroying agencies that protect our environment, water, air, protected lands, and our security is not enough to stop him. Get involved with groups that oppose him, be heard, be seen! The 'voice' not spoken is one that will Never be heard, nor counted. You will have no room to whine later if you failed to speak up now. ;)


The Federal Emergency Management Agency also could see significant cuts under an OMB proposal.|By Lisa Rein

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