Saturday, March 11, 2017

'No More Regulations For DT's Buddies'

'No More Regulations For DT's Buddies'

Unfortunately for America, and thanks to Donald Trump and his deaf and blind minions, our Country seems to be devolving into a sorry state of affairs, in that individual Americans, Trumps cronies excepted of course, can no longer even 'Hope' to expect that our Federal Government, and no doubt individual State Governments will be forced to follow suit, will ...even 'attempt' to look out for our safety, and welfare.
Two centuries, and forty-one years of citizens rights, and environmental protection progress has been obliterated with the flourish of an ink pen in the hands of a common sense lacking, paranoid billionaire, profiting off the backs of, and at the expense of, hapless Americans.
How anyone, and I'm talking about Republicans or anyone else who voted for Trump, and who even now still praise his name, who claims to be a true American can jump up and down with glee while this so-called wanna-be 'dictator' destroys the very laws and regulations that til now protected our environment, the very environment that our children, grandchildren and future generations have to look forward to, is beyond comprehension! It leaves me 'almost' wordless, but not quite.
These laws, regulations, and rules were put in place to protect All of us, they were not conjured up by Democrats only, and certainly not all by Trumps imagined arch enemy, Obama. They were instituted because they were Actually needed in order to protect each and every one of us from big and small business that otherwise would destroy, by pollution, our environment, natural resources, our safety and well being. Prior to these protective measures our major rivers and lakes, and our skies, and Teri-Firma were a polluted disgrace. It took 47 hard fought years to clean up the mess, a job still in progress by the way, that was made by big, and small unregulated business that polluted with no regard to the damage being done then, or of its effects in the future. Regulations, laws, and rules were needed along with punishment for violating those rules to prevent further degrading of our environment. Those same regulations are still needed now in 2017 because if left on their own to regulate themselves, big business, and small, farmers, and individuals alike will find the easy way, and more profitable way out. It's easier to dump your garbage, and pollutants on the ground or in a stream somewhere, than it is to dispose of it as required by law. And that's called POLLUTION of our environment. And sooner than later we'll be back in the same or worse environment mess as we were pre 1970. It is simply a case of, 'putting the fox in charge of the hen house'.
Now, Trump has told polluters that our environment is of no concern to Him or our Federal Government, citizens be damned, and America's environment is fair game, and once again the wild west for profiteers to plunder, destroy, and eventually deplete, at our defenseless expense. No longer will we be able to call on our government to protect us from big business which will now reap the rewards of their $$$$ purchase of the White House, the White House which no longer belongs to the American public. Trump has sold it, and our country, lock, stock, and barrel to his Billionaire friends. It has now been bought and paid for by Corporate America. We all, including Trumps near sighted supporters, will suffer, and pay the 'price' for Trumps excesses.
And yes, I will concede that the EPA, the ACA, our Government, and Democracy in general, are not, never has been, nor will it ever be, 'perfect'. There's absolutely no way on this shrinking little Earth of ours that anything conjured up by humans will ever be perfect. Each has its own flaws, weaknesses, deficits, and areas that can stand repair or 'tweeking', not to be confused with Trumps 'tweeting', and made more user friendly, and more efficient. If it needs 'repair', then repair it! If it's not working as designed, redesign it! If it plain out won't work at all, and can't be repaired go back to the 'drawing board', and design a better model that now works toward the same goal! That is the method used in the 'business' world, Not the scorched earth policy that Trump can't seem to let go of where he is obsessed with destroying anything that he, himself, didn't 'invent', or that may have, or even not, has the remotest connection with Obama. In his paranoid, delusional mind, he see's an Obama behind every tree! So his answer to that is to destroy the trees. Every mistake is someone else's fault, the press is "Americas enemy", the Media is the "Opposition Party".
It is absolutely ludicrous to destroy an agency outright or by defunding to the point of it being impotent just because you can! Trump is treating America as if it were his own personal big 'business', his 'corporation'.
America is Not a 'business', contrary to the way Trump 'thinks' it is, it is a Nation of individuals with their own thoughts, and goals, and dreams who collectively in some incredible way make up the soul of America. Somehow we more or less come together, not always totally in agreement, but in realization that collectively we can get along, prosper, and make at least Some of our dreams come true. We don't always get it right, but we always at least try. In some magical way, our Democracy finds a way to actually work, not perfect all the time, but it still works. And it is mostly our system of 'checks and balances' that get us there. It's a true axiom that 'you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time'. The best that we can hope for is a balanced scale of sorts. Trump seems to be bent on pleasing his biggest $$contributors$$, his own brand, and the 'swamp' critters he drained from the DC swamp, and relocated into his Own personal swamp, his Billionaire club Administration who are hell bent on the destruction of America as we know it. He has destroyed our system of 'checks and balances', and that's the very policy he is busy applying to his new 'business', Our, United States of America. Rules do not, and never have, applied to him, as he so proudly boasts, "I have no conflict of interest as President", he is above the 'Laws of The Land', the very laws that rule us, do not apply to him.
We can all collectively sit on our apathetic butts, and send out prayers that the good lord will make everything alright, but you can pray till the cows come home and until you turn blue in the face, but Trump will still be doing his pathetic best to turn America upside down.
If you truly give a darn about what Trump is doing 'To' America, then get off the couch and make your voice, your words, you poll votes heard. If you do Nothing, you deserve what you get by your apathetic silence, and every time you look in the mirror, apathy will be looking back at you. Trump is our President, Commander-In-Chief, he is not the King of America as he fancies himself, and we are not his serfs to bow in his sorry presence, he is supposed to work for the collective betterment of all Americans. He is NOT doing that! He lies constantly, and consistently, his promises are empty words, and meaningless, and void of substance. He has put together a dysfunctional Cabinet of liars, and misfits who have no mind of their own while busy looking out for themselves and their fellow cohorts. We can Resist this madness, or like the compliant, senseless lemmings he wants us to be, just follow him to the cliff of his choice.

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