Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Squeaky Bannon'

'How Squeaky Clean Is Bannon?'

The reclusive 'deconstructor' of America as we have known it, and President Trump's puppet master, has reared his ugly 'anti-America' head! Not to be out done by the semi-failure of his destruction of the ACA, he proudly proclaims that it ain't over till he say's it's over.
If there's anyone foolish enough to 'think' that Trump is actually the 'real' President, then I'll show you a person who lives with his head up his Own arse. Trump would be less than nothing, of course it's hard to imagine him being any less than he already is, but without Bannon to 'think' for him, Trump would wither away to nothing. It is doubtful that Trump has ever had even a semblance of what might pass as an original thought course through his scrambled gray cells. Bannon has sworn to dismantle and deconstruct all things American, and is simply using Trump as his little hand puppet to further his goals. Bannon calls the shots, Trump in turn is allowed to use Spicer as his puppet on a string to spread his lies to an eager media who wait hopelessly for tid-bits of "what the heck is going on' at the White Houses'.
Why Bannon has not come under the political micro-scope with as much feverish scrutiny as the rest of Trumps cabinet is a mystery. Is it even remotely possible that Bannon is the 'only' squeaky clean guy that has 'never' had dealings with the Russians, the mob, the gritty underworld of business, and politics? Are there No 'skeletons' rattling around in his closet? Is there Nothing that could cause him to be undone? Is there no Investigative Reporter out there worth his/her salt that dares to unmask this sniveling un-American White Nationalist leaning bridge troll, and hold his stinky toes to the fire of public scrutiny? Can he 'really' be so 'clean' that he's not even worth the effort of investigation? Is he all that 'powerful' that no one dares even 'look' at him? Now, these are just 'questions' I'm asking, and I do not allude to 'conspiratorial' things that go bump in the dark, that's Trumps job. But, as Trump is want to say, "makes you wonder huh?" "What's going on out there?" :/

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