Wednesday, March 15, 2017

'False Report Of A Crime'

If you or I had done this, we would be charged with 'False Report Of A Crime', and be Fired from our job! Trump, our President, our Commander-In-Chief, our 'leader', can do this and suffer Nothing, and he will simply go on to his next paronoid induced lie, and waste More tax payer money for Another useless investigation, and still keep his job. How low does America have to sink in his bullsh#t be...fore he is held accountable for his stupidity? What has happened to our 'Checks and Balances' system that can stop this madness? We have a proven LIAR as President, and it has gone way past the point where that when he speaks, or more likely Tweets, the chances of it being a Lie is greater than not. Are Republicans, and others who were tricked into wasting their votes, really happy with their votes? If so, we are in trouble that will see no end. Pitiful! :/ :/

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