Monday, March 27, 2017

'WaaaWaaa! He Hurt My Finger! Waaaa!'

What a bunch of cry babies! Better yet, what a bunch of two-faced cry babies! Hockey is, and has always Been a violent, thuggery game of 'smash, slash, and run'. He who 'checks', or 'slashes' with the best 'get away with' Checks and Slashes, gets the accolades. Violence is an inherent part of this 'sport', it's in its DNA. Without it, Hockey would be just a bunch of overpaid guys doing 'figure skating' that no one would pay to see. The 'players' are encouraged from childhood to be aggressive, and 'punish' the opposing team, and are rewarded handsomely for that aggression. Some players are actually sought after, and hired to be 'enforcers' to 'punish' the opposing team players. These aggressive players are encouraged to fight to the point of blood while everyone, and I mean Everyone, stands yelling for their favorite pugilist to show his opponent what hockey is all about. Then a ref will saunter over and part the silly boys, and the game goes on. The players got some licks in, the fans get their adrenaline rush, and everyone gets another 'great game' of sanctioned thuggery. A mangled finger? Get over it cry baby, you got your 'purple heart', you knew it was a thuggery match when you signed on, and the fans got what they came to see, a cool 'slash' and some real blood, and their hero moves up a notch on the thug board. And yeah, I know, this wasn't even a 'fight' in progress, just a little stick 'slashing', happens all the time, no big deal, it's all part and parcel of the 'game', but it's actually more than that. In any other 'sport', thuggery akin to this would not be tolerated for even a second. But in Hockey, it's taught, expected, tolerated, and rewarded. And for parents who send their kids off to hockey class, be careful what you 'ask' for, and don't be surprised at what you get.

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