Monday, April 3, 2017

'Closet Politics'

'Closet Politics'

'Yes, let us be perfectly 'clear' as a frosted bathroom window about this "kidnapping and murdering Gay men" urban myth that one or two misinformed dolts have irresponsibly mentioned to no one in particular. So I will say this; “You cannot arrest or repress people who just don’t exist in the republic,” Kadyrov spokesman Alvi Karimov told Interfax. “If there were such people in Chechnya, the law-enforcement organs wouldn’t need to have anything to do with the...m because their relatives would send them somewhere from which there is no returning.”
So, as you can plainly 'see', where's the 'problem' here? There are absolutely 'no' gay men in our wonderful 'freedom loving' country. Just look around you, do you 'see' a gay man? Look at me for instance, do I 'look' like a gay man to you? No, and If I 'were', I would immediately turn myself over to the 'gay re-education' gulag for certain 'treatment' of my condition. How could we possibly kill something that does not exist in the first place? Some people claim that elephants live in Chechnya, but have you ever 'seen' one, and do we kidnap and kill them? No, of course not. And how about that silly 'tooth fairy' thing. No, we do not kill those either. Our country is a 'peace loving' heterosexual, 'straight' society. In fact, being 'gay' is just not in our genes. The word 'gay' is not even in our government issued 'dick-tionary'. It is forbidden to even have a moist 'gay' dream in our guilt free country. In fact our men must always wear a 'penis burqa' when in the public bath houses. We are always on the look-out for gay men, especially me, being in charge of the 'gay detection' office, but never, ever, have we found one alive. That is not to say that there may not be a living gay man passing 'through' our great enlightened country, on his way to eternal damnation. In our country 'men are men, and women are glad of it'! 'All' of our women love straight un-gay robust Muslim men, if they know what's 'good' for them. If a family discovers, say at birth for instance, that a male shows 'signs' of gayness, perhaps he cries, or fondles himself in his sleep, or rejects his mothers breast at feeding, then the matter is dealt with, with-in the family who's 'honor' must be saved. In fact, we have now genetically 'evolved' to the point that 'gayism' has actually been bred out of our DNA. Yep, right out! Gone! We Chechnyans, under our great benefactor, and 'hand puppeteer' Putin, know how to deal with un-savory social issues. 'If thy 'son' offend thee, pluck him out!' 'Spare the AK-47, spoil the child'. 'Gays' in Chechenia? No way, you silly boy!' Now I must go, my 'closet' needs tidying up, I think I heard a 'skeleton' topple off the shelf.' ;) ;)

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But the Chechen government denies that gay men even exist in Chechnya. “You cannot arrest or repress people who just don’t exist in the republic,” a spokesman told Interfax.

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