Thursday, March 30, 2017

'Creating An "Alternative Facts" 'Red Team''

'Creating An "Alternative Facts" 'Red Team''

Hmmmm...why does this smack of the ol'
'back door entry' method of counteracting established science? Now, I'm just guessing here, and this is Not an off the wall conspiracy theory so don't tag me with that label, again, that's Trumps job, but here we have Trump, and his whole cabinet who are anti-science, anti-global warming theory, wanting to destroy everything related to science and protection of our environment, and all of a sudden up pops these 'scientists' clothed in the guise of 'truth finders' clammering for a "red team", as they call it, as if a blue, green, yellow, or white "team", would not be blaringly Bold enough, to become an 'official' 'scientific investigative' body to; "operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund "red teams" to investigate "natural" causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations' climate science panel."
"One way to aid Congress in understanding more of the climate issue than what is produced by biased 'official' panels of the climate establishment is to organize and fund credible 'red teams' that look at issues such as natural variability, the failure of climate models and the huge benefits to society from affordable energy, carbon-based and otherwise," said witness John Christy, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, in his prepared testimony. "I would expect such a team would offer to Congress some very different conclusions regarding the human impacts on climate."
Yes, he 'Would' expect that a "credible team" would determine exactly that, seeing as how he would be living in Trumps back pocket, and Trump would be pulling the strings of yet another 'Trum-Pet' to further his "deconstruction' of America, and, of the whole world as we know it.
"A scientist's job is to continually challenge his/her own biases and ask 'How could I be wrong?'" Judith Curry, professor emeritus at Georgia Tech's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network, said in her own testimony. "Playing 'devil's advocate' helps a scientist examine how their conclusions might be misguided and how they might be wrong. Overcoming one's own biases is difficult; an external devil's advocate can play a useful role in questioning and criticizing the logic of the argument."
Of course if one starts out "biased", and convinced that that one's 'investigation' can only prove one's pre-concieved beliefs, the results can only be self fullfilling. If anyone falls for this trickery at the hands of these diehard republican 'Trum-Pets' then there will be no hope for the furtherance of Real 'science' unless it's based on Trumps "Alternative Facts" method of the 'truth'.
So, not to be outdone by these narrow minded fools, and in line with this assinine suggestion, I 'suggest' that we impliment an 'Opaque Team' to 'investigate' whether 'water' is actually 'wet', as some un-informed, and biased Scientists worldwide proclaim. After extensive, and exhaustive 'scientific research', and of course after expending tons of tax payer monies, and becoming wealthy in the process, we shall submit our self fullfilling findings to Congress, and have our day in the sun.
Also, how can we be 'certain', and not just because some 'scientist' has told us so, that 'trees' as we 'see' them are actually the way they 'really' are. I propose that a 'Colorless Team' investigate the 'fact' that tree limbs may not be limbs at all, instead they may be the actual 'roots' of the tree, and the 'roots' are not roots, but quite the opposite. Just because some silly 'scientist' has convinced us of these 'facts' does not make it so. And of course we will spend lots, and lots of tax monies, use Trumps "Alternative Facts" method of determining the 'truth' of the matter, and then we'll submit our 'findings' to our boss, er, I mean Congress where they will validate our 'scientific' findings.
Trump, and his 'Trum-Puppets' are hellbent on setting the worlds 'scientific' clock back by a hundred years. If he, and they, are allowed to continue with this 'deconstructivism' policy of destroying everything that Real Science has acheived to date, and the possibilities for the future, then we deserve to be the fools that he wants us to be. Trump is simply an egomaniacal hand puppet of Stevie Bannon, the real architect of America's "deconstruction", and eventual demise. And as trump is want to say; "You ain't seen nothing yet". Only common sense, wiser minds, and 'checks and balances' can stop this Trump-Bus ride to hell. Wake up America, this is Not a 'dream', it's your worst 'nightmare'! :/

Prominent scientists operating outside the scientific consensus on climate change urged Congress on Wednesday to fund "red teams" to investigate "natural" causes of global warming and challenge the findings of the United Nations' climate science panel.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

'Who's The 'Pitcher' ?'

Because he doesn't even know How, because He has always hired a 'surrogate' to do it For him. He is just Bannon's little 'hand puppet', so while it may 'look' like Trump is 'pitching', its actually Bannon doing the pitching...hmmm...but wait, who's 'pitching', and who's 'catching'? Only their closet knows for Sure.

'Squeaky Bannon'

'How Squeaky Clean Is Bannon?'

The reclusive 'deconstructor' of America as we have known it, and President Trump's puppet master, has reared his ugly 'anti-America' head! Not to be out done by the semi-failure of his destruction of the ACA, he proudly proclaims that it ain't over till he say's it's over.
If there's anyone foolish enough to 'think' that Trump is actually the 'real' President, then I'll show you a person who lives with his head up his Own arse. Trump would be less than nothing, of course it's hard to imagine him being any less than he already is, but without Bannon to 'think' for him, Trump would wither away to nothing. It is doubtful that Trump has ever had even a semblance of what might pass as an original thought course through his scrambled gray cells. Bannon has sworn to dismantle and deconstruct all things American, and is simply using Trump as his little hand puppet to further his goals. Bannon calls the shots, Trump in turn is allowed to use Spicer as his puppet on a string to spread his lies to an eager media who wait hopelessly for tid-bits of "what the heck is going on' at the White Houses'.
Why Bannon has not come under the political micro-scope with as much feverish scrutiny as the rest of Trumps cabinet is a mystery. Is it even remotely possible that Bannon is the 'only' squeaky clean guy that has 'never' had dealings with the Russians, the mob, the gritty underworld of business, and politics? Are there No 'skeletons' rattling around in his closet? Is there Nothing that could cause him to be undone? Is there no Investigative Reporter out there worth his/her salt that dares to unmask this sniveling un-American White Nationalist leaning bridge troll, and hold his stinky toes to the fire of public scrutiny? Can he 'really' be so 'clean' that he's not even worth the effort of investigation? Is he all that 'powerful' that no one dares even 'look' at him? Now, these are just 'questions' I'm asking, and I do not allude to 'conspiratorial' things that go bump in the dark, that's Trumps job. But, as Trump is want to say, "makes you wonder huh?" "What's going on out there?" :/

'Quickly! Arm Our Students! Quickly Now!'

'Quickly! Arm Our Students! Quickly Now!'

Well of Course Firearms should Not be allowed on campus, it goes without saying. If they are present in the classroom, that means that they will also be present in the dorms, frat houses, their motor vehicles, parties, school sponsored events, and student 'drunkfests'. Not only is all of this a potential for an accidental or angered shooting event, there's the great potential of firearm thefts from any of these venues. The chances that a 'student', not trained in the safe use of a firearm, possessing lack of maturity and common sense, would Ever have to confront, and neutralize a better armed, and trained 'terrorist' is slim to nil. But his chances of becoming a victim of another student, or himself, is great in comparison. The backers of these 'Arm The Students' laws, the NRA, couldn't give a crap less about the possible ramifications of this asinine policy. They exist by virtue of membership fees, donations, and their pals on Capital Hill, and as long as the NRA 'leaders' keep profiting from proliferating gun sales, and gun owner NRA membership, this NRA 'cancer' will never heal, and will only get worse. Make no mistake, the NRA 'owns' Capital Hill, without it they would simply 'die' by their own hand.
 We shoot, we 'cry', we re-load, and shoot again. We can legislate everything but common sense, and sane conflict resolution. And so we shoot, we 'cry', we re-load, and shoot again.
Guns will be allowed at Kansas's public universities on July 1, but faculty at all six schools are united against it.
Faculty from all six Kansas Board of Regents universities oppose legislation that come July 1 would allow students, faculty, administrators and visitors to carry a concealed handgun into campus buildings, according to a statement released Tuesday.

'Lesson Learned'

Oh, but Wait!! 'Everything' he says is 'true', If you use the Trump, 'Trump card' of "Alternative Facts" method of 'truth' telling. He can never be 'wrong', is always 'right', and the 'truth' is what they believe it is, and 'their' truth is what they want 'us' to believe it is, just because They, themselves, do. So, you 'see', this is not difficult for the average American to understand, and the more they 'say' it, the more, and sooner, we all shall believe anything they tell us. For instance, in the accompanying photograph of this article, at first glance an uneducated American might identify those two things as industrial smokestacks, belching what appears to be smoke, and pollution. However, by using the "Alternative Facts" method of understanding the 'truth', we can plainly 'see' now that those are simply two harmless cigarettes poised against a stormy sky. There! Lesson learned. Or as Trump is want to say, "You ain't seen nothing yet".

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt made two false claims about the Paris Accord, a global agreement aimed at addressing climate change.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

'The Bravest Man In Russia'

'The Bravest Man In Russia'

Alexei Navalny may very well be the bravest man in Russia, maybe even on earth! He 'knows' that his chances of physical survival is about on the level of a bug hitting a windshield at 90mph. In Putins Russia, there's no such thing as 'democracy' as we know it in America. Putin, Trumps 'almost lover', alone decides what will 'pass' as a show of his form of that institution. Anything you may see from Russia that even remotely 'looks' like democracy, exists because he, at the moment, allows it to be so, because it serves his own agenda at that moment. He decides, and totally controls every aspect of what it is to be Russian, in His Russia. He alone controls the very things that ensure his survival as dictator; the military, the police, the judiciary, and his spy apparatus, which in turn controls the actual news, and civil communications that the public has access to. Putin decides what the public sees, and hears. He was a good student of how, and how not, to ensure the survivability of Russia, from its former rulers mistakes. He is not about to allow his own head be stuck on a spike at the palace gates. He controls that 'gate'. He alone decides who enters or exists that gate, and the fate of those who would foolishly oppose his iron fisted authoritorian rule. The Russians lost their chance of 'democracy' when the Soviet Union fell apart, and fell under the spell of Putins promise to "make Russia great again".
Alexei Navalny is a realist, he knows what possible fate awaits him. He does not at present, nor likely to ever, have control nor have support of any faction of the military who are not about to voluntarily sever their own heads, and give up what Putin, their great 'benefactor', has given them. Same with the police, and on down the line. Alexei may have vocal support of a few thousands of disgruntled citizens but it would take the support of Putins military, and three quarters of Russian citizens to prevail. Is it 'possible'? Anything is 'possible', but the actual 'probability' is slim to nil. Putin will see these demonstrations as a threat to his throne, and he is not a dictator who will be irritated by pesky flies without recourse. First, Alexei's most vocal supporters will be dealt with as necessary to 'silence' them, then the next layer of supporters will be 'quieted', then the next until at last anyone who even breathes the hint of rebellion will think twice, and be thankful for their next free living breath. Alexei will temporally be allowed his freedom to protest into a black void until his followers are no longer a pest, and then he will meet with an 'unfortunate accident', or some troubling, and eventual terminal 'health' issue. 'Freedom' will not come 'free' in Putins Russia.
Good luck Alexei Navalny, the bravest man in Russia.

'Clear The Tracks!'

Clear the 'tracks', clear the friggin' tracks!!!! :o A madman pretending to be a 'tax engineer', hellbent on the deconstruction of America, has taken over the controls of a 'tax train' headed for hell! :/


What an unmitigated fool! If cooler heads, and wiser minds do not step in and stop this unparalleled insanity, it will take decades, if not longer to repair the damage done. Trump has this brain stifle 'Obama phobia', where everything 'Obama' Must be destroyed, obliterated, and erased from the face of the Earth. To Trump, and his 'boss', Bannon, America must be "deconstructed" at all costs, and 'remade' in his own image, no matter the consequence's, and no matter the 'price' that America's environment, and we in the end, must pay. If any Other person in America exhibited the same wide ranging mental issues, phobias, beliefs in incredible conspiracy theories, serial lying, and actual believing in his own unfounded lies even after being debunked, they would be a candidate for serious mental evaluation. A fool, is a fool, is a fool, no matter if he's called our President or not. He is, what he is, and now America must pay the piper. :/ :/ :/ !!

'We Have Met The 'Enemy''

'We Have Met The 'Enemy''

And Trump, who see's Obama, and Muslims, behind every tree is not concerned about America's home grown Militia Terrorists??? No where else on this little shrinking planet does another Nation allow Armed Anti-Government Extremist Militias to exist.
"According to In its annual count of militias, released today, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 276 militia groups – up from 202 in 2014, a 37 percent increase.
The number represents a renewal of growth after several years of declines. The movement grew explosively after President Obama was elected, from 42 groups in 2008 to a peak of 334 in 2011 before declining in recent years. The militia groups included in the SPLC count typically adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines and subscribe to groundless conspiracy theories about the federal government".(SPLC)
There are, according to SPLC, approx. 917 known Hate Groups in the United States, and at least one in every State.
This is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA folks! And we are 'worried' to a frazzle about a 'Muslim' terrorist sneaking into America!?? We don't need no stinkin' 'foreign' terrorist, hell, we have more of our Own than anyone else on this bomb pocketed planet already!
And this sniveling coward James Harris is just the tip of America's domestic terrorist ice berg! Unfortunately, he will not be meted the ultimate sentence of Death he deserves but will simply, and at our expense, become a prison 'hero' joining his fellow like minded snivelers, and a martyr to his still at large kinsmen.
As long as we don't clean up our Own 'house', how can we in good faith suggest to others how they should clean their Own?
It is way past the time that America should outlaw these Armed Militias and Hate Groups. We have met the 'enemy', and it is Them! :/


James Harris Jackson, 28, was handed down new charges of murder as an act of terrorism and hate Monday

Monday, March 27, 2017

"Who Killed The 'Smart' Gun?"

Now, I'll concede that a firearm, or Anything manmade, is subject to fail at some point in its 'life', and firearms are no exception. Now, folks can bandy about a whole bunch of conspiracy theories about why FP readers have fallen to the wayside, and many the folks who claim to 'know' the absolute truth. But just a little common sense might shed a ray of light into that dark spot. A firearm is mad...e of x number of machined parts designed to work in conjunction with it's neighbor with the final result of a firing pin striking the ignition system of the projectile, also machined to close tolerances. But for a factory defect in the firearm or ammo, which seldom occurs but not impossible, user abuse and neglect, which is more than countable, a well made and well maintained firearm will work as intended. There are no 'electronic', or battery dependent parts, or bio sensors involved. Firearms are a simple mechanical instrument with no more moving parts between the pulling of the trigger, and the contact with the ammo's firing pin, than is needed or warranted to do the job, which is Fire The Bullet. The more things, especially 'electronic', that are installed to facilitate the final action of the firearm that is installed simply creates more opportunity for failure. FP readers, while in theory seem like the answer to 'safe' firearms, are a finicky lot. But in reality there are way too many variables that can affect the 'reader' from doing its job. Just a few for instance; a gloved hand, a sweaty or dirty hand, using the hand opposite the one that was bio'd to the 'reader', the need to use, such as in Law Enforcement or the Military, a team mates firearm that was bio'd only to another member, a firearm that has been submerged in water which might short out the electronics, corrosion of the electronics due to a humid environment, and those are just a 'few' of possible variables that 'could' affect the reliability of these Bio Metric FP Readers. It is not likely that any L.E. agency will risk the lives of their officers by throwing an electronically controlled firearm in the fray, nor is it likely that our Military, as one commenter posted to the contrary, will either.  The 'safest' firearm is one that is locked in a safe. Once it is in the hands of a human being, all bets are off, no matter if it's controlled mechanically, or electronically. It's unfortunate that America still lives with the 'wild west gunslinger' mentality where we feel we are less the human without one, or two, or three, or whatever. That will probably never change, and might get worse down the road, but Bio Metric firearms are not likely to make Americans any safer, only responsible ownership, and sensible laws can do that.
Who Killed The Smart Gun?


'WaaaWaaa! He Hurt My Finger! Waaaa!'

What a bunch of cry babies! Better yet, what a bunch of two-faced cry babies! Hockey is, and has always Been a violent, thuggery game of 'smash, slash, and run'. He who 'checks', or 'slashes' with the best 'get away with' Checks and Slashes, gets the accolades. Violence is an inherent part of this 'sport', it's in its DNA. Without it, Hockey would be just a bunch of overpaid guys doing 'figure skating' that no one would pay to see. The 'players' are encouraged from childhood to be aggressive, and 'punish' the opposing team, and are rewarded handsomely for that aggression. Some players are actually sought after, and hired to be 'enforcers' to 'punish' the opposing team players. These aggressive players are encouraged to fight to the point of blood while everyone, and I mean Everyone, stands yelling for their favorite pugilist to show his opponent what hockey is all about. Then a ref will saunter over and part the silly boys, and the game goes on. The players got some licks in, the fans get their adrenaline rush, and everyone gets another 'great game' of sanctioned thuggery. A mangled finger? Get over it cry baby, you got your 'purple heart', you knew it was a thuggery match when you signed on, and the fans got what they came to see, a cool 'slash' and some real blood, and their hero moves up a notch on the thug board. And yeah, I know, this wasn't even a 'fight' in progress, just a little stick 'slashing', happens all the time, no big deal, it's all part and parcel of the 'game', but it's actually more than that. In any other 'sport', thuggery akin to this would not be tolerated for even a second. But in Hockey, it's taught, expected, tolerated, and rewarded. And for parents who send their kids off to hockey class, be careful what you 'ask' for, and don't be surprised at what you get.

Just 'Cleaning' House

It's called 'cleaning house'. No one in a high profile position in Russia gets whacked without the approval of the guy in charge. Just a little 'house cleaning' folks, just 'taking out the trash', no 'mystery', move along,  nothing to see here.

'Don't Take A Truncheon To A Knife Fight'

As brave as they may be, and I applaud their success to date, and I think it commendable that they don't live in a 'wild west' world, they are harking back to a time when there were no fanatical 'religious' terrorists knocking at their door with wants to destroy everything we 'infidels' stand for. That officer who was butchered by this fanatic would quite possibly be alive today had he been armed... to defend himself, and the public he was hired to protect. The British, and we all, are living in a different world where you do not take a can of mace or a truncheon to a gun or knife fight. The Brits abhor the thought of arming their police beyond the few special ops units, who cannot be everywhere at once. It's great that they have fired only 8 shots in years, killed only 5-6 bad guys, and on and on, but this cavalier attitude that it seems acceptable to have an officer sliced and diced by a madman, is mad itself. The British can continue to live in the past, and in denial of the present by leaving their police defenseless against terrorists, can only lead to more police being slaughtered by terrorist who know that British Police are easy pickings. Police are charged with protecting the public, however, if they can't protect themselves first, then everyone loses.

'Autonomousily Dumb'

They are 'building' something that we do not 'need'. The general public is not clambering for one of these mindless 'vehicles', cool as it might be, and no doubt a status symbol to be the first on your block to have upmanship, nor is the public even 'ready' for something that 'thinks' for them, 'drives' for them, and doesn't even 'need' a human in the first place. Except that it Does need a human.... Humans built it, and it only 'knows' what humans have 'taught' it, but it does not 'know' everything that a human actually knows. There's no way to do that. Anything created, and built by humans is subject to fail. That's forgivable if it's something like a can opener, or a mobile phone, but when it comes to something that can actually kill someone if it goes haywire, then it is not so forgivable. There's no way that an autonomous motor vehicle can be programmed to deal with Every situation that it might encounter while on our roadways. Even humans, with all the experience we have driving vehicles cannot always deal with every emergency encountered on our roads, as the death rate can attest to. To allow a machine to ply our roads while it depends on the information stored in its 'brain' which cannot possibly deal with all the variables it will encounter, is absolutely foolish. They have created something that we do not need, simply because they can. And their goal is not simply to make our lives 'easier', as if driving a motor vehicle is the hardest thing you'll ever do, but because they are looking at the $$$$ returns for their investors, and themselves. It's called Profit. But it's profit at the driving public's expense. Not only that, but consider the potential headache for government agencies that regulate Motor Vehicles. If you own a 'driverless' M.V. what kind of test do you take when you want to get your D/L. Send your car to the D.M.V. while you sit at home playing on your I-Pad? If it runs a light, how does a cop pull it over, who gets the ticket, who gets the fine? If it runs over a pedestrian, who gets sued, if you are the victim, how do you find recourse, what insurance company is crazy enough to insure your 'driverless' car? As greedy humans, we always 'want' more than we actually 'need'. This thing is a 'want', Not a need. We are bombarded day in and day out with things some manufacturer want us to buy to make life 'easier'. A vacuum cleaner with a 'headlight' for instance, for those nocturnal house cleaners? But seldom is there something that we actually 'need'. It's all about 'want'. It's not likely, no matter the raving promises of the industry, that these vehicles will make our roadway any safer. Drivers education, lower speed limits, less powerful engines across the board, we don't need race cars on our already crowded and dangerous streets, vehicles better designed to survive a crash, are just a few ways to make driving safer. If you want to read your book or tap a nap while traveling in your car, be the Passenger and let someone else drive, and Not a 'driverless' car! A 'driverless' car may be a 'want' for some, but it is Not a need by many. ;)

This, Is Gonna Hurt!

That's crazy Cool. Dumb, but cool. Hey, ever wonder how to unlatch an Alligator Snapping Turtle after it latches on to your big toe? Happens all the time. Well I have a 'pet' AST, he's just a baby, about 65 lbs, but I'm gonna let him latch onto what's left of the big toe that I happen to have left, so I can show you how to pry open his vice-like snappers in less than three hours flat.

"I'm President, and You're Not"

'And then after I created the 'light bulb', I created General Electric, millions of great jobs, and then I saw that Americans were tired, really tired of walking, so I invented Cars, best idea ever, put hundreds of millions of folks to work doing wonderful stuff, great workers. And then, One day I saw that Americans wanted to drive those car while talking on a mobile phone, so I invented the mobile phone, lots ...of jobs for out of work folks, but the best thing I invented was Twitter, man I just love tweeting! I really look forward to my nocturnal tweeter whacking sessions. Lots and lots of jobs from that one. But hey, That's just great and wonderful Me! Job maker, friend maker, $$money$$ maker, deal maker, but that's why, "I'm President, and you're not". ;)
The president takes credit for jobs that had been in the works for nearly two years.
At an Oval Office ceremony, President Donald Trump boasted that Charter Communications "has just committed to investing $25 billion" and creating 20,000 jobs in the U.S. But the announcement is old news.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

'Once Upon A Time'

'Once Upon A Time'

Once upon a time, (I wish), there was a place and time that Americans actually related to one another and got along with no real issues. But we know that would be a big fat lie. When our forefathers immigrated here from Europe to escape persecution, they couldn't even get along with the already resident Native Americans, who incidentally, themselves migrated, as in 'immigrants'..., here from possibly the African Continent well before the Europeans. As far as getting along with others, even the Native Americans were fighting with Other Native American clans for territory and food. Not to be outdone, the immigrant Europeans thought these savages and heathens unworthy of even existing in the same world, especially their Own, as themselves, and so our forefathers began a systematic destruction of all thing Native American, including the Native Americans. We simply don't like people and things that are different from ourselves, especially when we don't, or won't, learn about, or even try to understand them. So, we just kill them. Ka-Pow! 'Move along folks, nothing to see here'. And so we, or They, rather, did, or at least most of them, and took their land while they were at it. And then, we wrote some snappy little songs 'This Land Is Your Land', and, 'My Country Tis Of Thee' well, not 'theirs' anymore because we couldn't find a way to get along and coexist. And later on, our immigrant ancestors became very lazy and saw that farming was a thing better 'owned' than actually worked on. And so we imported African Human beings who just happened to be People that had been illegally captured in their own homelands, placed in chains, packed like human sardines in the festering holds of Slave ships, and shipped to The new America where for about 300 years they, and their descendants continued to be owned and Enslaved against their will, like so much farm equipment that could be bought, sold, or disposed of without cause. Later on, a great, and horrendous civil war was fought between Americans who wanted to end the institution of Slavery, and those who just loved 'owning' other humans to do their dirty work for them, and which they were too good, and virtuous, to do themselves. Of course the Slave owners lost that one but 152 years later we still haven't figured a way to get along with, and coexist with the descendants of those former Slaves. Of course after the era of Slavery, new immigrants began arriving on the shores of America seeking better living condition, and freedom from persecution. Orientals, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Poles, Slavs, and more. Not to count a variety of religions mixed in among these new immigrants. Scary things indeed. And of course the 'established' Americans saw these new immigrants as a threat to their own toe hold on the America 'they' had worked so hard killing, and enslaving other humans all these past years to enjoy. All the while conveniently forgetting that they, themselves, were the offspring, or descendants, albeit many years down the line, of immigrants not so different from these new arrivals that seemed such a threat to the American way of life. And true to life, the Americans treated these new immigrants like so much trash, just like as in the past they could find no way to get along with or coexist peacefully with humans they did not understand, and saw as a threat to 'their' America, and their 'way' of life. But as time went by, the descendants of former Slaves, and new immigrants and the 'established' Americans somehow found an uneasy balance of sorts of coexistence, relative peace, and eventually those who wanted to, assimilated, and became Americans. It would be a stretch of the imagination to propose that all Americans get along with all other Americans, even today. Human beings just don't do that. But somehow, someway, it worked well enough to count, depending which 'side' you're on.
Then, along came the Presidential campaign of 2014. Again, immigration was a hot button among 'established' Americans. Immigrants from the Middle Eastern countries were the 'button' this time. Mostly because a clutch of ignorant radical militants who twisted, and misinterpreted their own religion and 'bible' to fit their own murderous agendas in order to murder their own people, but especially 'infidels' from the west, as in American's. And Muslim immigrants were, and still are the hot button that was made the big issue during the Presidential campaign, specifically by Republican candidate Donald Trump, who suffering from a serious case of Islamophobia, seeing a terrorist behind every tree that no doubt to him looked just like President Obama the out going President, paranoia, and conspiracy theories that constantly riled up his followers, and turned America, and American politics on its head, maybe to never recover. He turned Americans, who for whatever reason believed every hateful thing he falsely spouted about Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, Gays, and anyone else he could defile, against Americans with common sense who could see through his hateful rhetoric, and vice versa. He brought out of the woodwork militant groups that espoused hatred for all those groups that Trump professed distaste for, claiming that Trump speaks for them, and for what they themselves believe in, that is being a White America void of contrasting ethnic and religious groups, or "Make America White Again", as they see it. Trump even went so far as to appoint an obvious 'White Nationalist' leaning person as his senior advisor. And Trump, true to his own mental makeup, continues to tell serious lie, after serial lie, conspiracy theory after another even when proven wrong. And so, again in America's history we have a divided Nation where hateful politics has turned friends, relatives, States, into a seething, never ending saga of seedy intrigue, one tweet after another, all pitted against one another to the point of serious distrust, and wondering, where has America gone. The rest of the world has no clue as to where America has gone or if it will ever return to 'normal', and hoping that the 'normal' does not become what they now see.
As long as Trump is given stage for his hateful words, and lies, and is never held accountable for his actions, the divide will continue to widen, distrust of the government will continue, the immigration issue which Trump exacerbated will worsen. The agencies that he strives to abolish will wither away to the detriment of all Americans, the publics distrust of one another due to his hate mongering of all things he himself hates will simply worsen, and it will take generations to repair, if at all possible, the damage done to America, and America's image to the rest of the world.
All this may sound a bit 'dooms day' in a fashion, but if we do not learn from the past, we cannot expect the future to be much different, and America's President is setting the 'example' that he expects the rest of America, and the World to follow.

What!? How Could This Be!?

Holy Cows!!! One of Trumps small minded minions, working for the Ruskies!?? How could this Be!? :O What were the 'chances' that another Trump puppet would do something like This? Oh dear, oh dear, what could the matter be? 'Who' could have had a vested interest in such a thing? Wait! Follow the 'strings', follow the strings... ;)


The biggest 'blooper' of all, was the arcane, and opaque 'Electoral College' system that voted him in even though he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. Which leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many voters who might feel that, 'what's the use in voting if my candidate wins by popular vote but loses by Electoral vote. The 'popular' vote should be the winner, and be done with it, and the majority vote will have spoken.

'Nope, Still Nothing Mr. President''

'Nope, Still Nothing Mr. President'
We have a serial liar as President of The United States of America. He finds it easier to tell an outright lie than to simply tell the simple truth, about Anything. He manufactures conspiracy theories that even a certified dolt would find incredible, he believes his outlandish 'theories', and lies, and would have us all believe it right along with him. People with common sense reject his idiocy,... and Republicans go out of their way to suck up his lying drool. The difference between Trumps lies, and your average liar, is that most people who tell lies 'know' that it's a lie, and so they are simply trying to deceive, but with Trump, he actually 'believes' that the lies he tells are the 'truth', and so in the end deceives himself. To Him, he is not 'lying', he actually believes that what he say's is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Serial liars believe their own lies. Trump is a Serial liar. How can he Ever be taken at his 'word', when his word means nothing. Had he been required to submit to a battery of psychological, and personality testing, he would have failed outright, and we could have avoided this mess. It is incredible that No testing of Any kind is required for the Office of President. Just to become a Law Enforcement Officer one must take and pass a psych. exam, then attend a police academy for at least 3 months, some even more, in order to just be taught the Basics of L.E. Yet, to become President all you need is Millions and Millions of $$$, and B.S. enough voters, and you get it. America, and the whole world are being held 'hostage' by a man who lives in his Own "Alternative Facts" world of fantasy, and make believe, where he is ruled by such paranoia that he see's an Obama, a man he is obsessed with hating, behind every tree. And we can 'thank' the antiquated 'Electoral College' for his pitiful presence. Be careful what you wish for.... :/

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Golfing Is ,So Like 'Work'

Golfing Is ,So Like 'Work'

'So, Ok, look, we all 'know' that my boss is one hellava workaholic, up at all hours of the night practicing government business with official tweets, running hither and yon in D.C., and New York City, Palm Beach, you know, the Other White House's. I mean, he is one busy guy! And look at all the 'great' things he has done to, err, I mean 'for' America since he became our wonderfully exalted 'leader'. Lots of things, hundreds of things! More than can be counted on both hands and all your toes too, and by his Own count, "millions".
So, we all 'know' what it's like to be swamped with work, sometimes it's nice to just relax on the tax payers money on a nice private golf course, you know, one like his Own for instance, out of the public and medias eye, and just sit back and sink a few holes with friends and billionaire cronies. Well, the President is no different, except for his billions of dollars, than the sub average Joe. Every once in a while, about ten times in the last eight weeks or so, he likes to jet down in Air Force One, at the tax payers expense, to his Third White House, in Palm Beach and relax a bit, smooze with Foreign Dips., do some sucking up, impressing the 'have nots', and do a little diplomatic bull shi##ing on the side. After all, he is "entitled to a bit of privacy", what with being 'entitled birth' and all. But he gets a lot done while on his mini vacations, he's not just lounging by the pool checking out, and grabbing the hot babes, or playing golf 'all' the time, like that disgusting money wasting Obama always did. Why, just recently, “He had a mini-Cabinet meeting down — or two weekends ago — down at his club in Virginia,” “I remember so many people jumping to the conclusion that he was going down and playing golf. Just because you go somewhere doesn’t necessarily mean you did it. So, on a couple occasions, he’s actually conducted meetings there. He’s actually had phone calls. So, just because he heads there doesn’t mean that that’s what’s happening.” Yeah, people actually called him on the phone, 'Hey Donnie, your good friend Vlad here, cold in Ruska, might come see you in Florida sun, check out hot American girls, eh,' and they talked business, government business that is. He knows lots of foreign leaders that like to play golf and lay out in the Florida sun, and they love women just like the President does, so he invites them to come there instead of to that cold, dreary, ice land of Washington D.C. I mean, who wants to go there!? "It is unclear exactly what Trump has done on all of his visits to golf courses, because his aides have been vague when asked if the president was playing the game". Of course that old tired term, 'transparency in government' does not apply to our President because as he has said on numerous occasions, "I am conflict free", and of course we all know that he is more than "exempt" from any ethics rules. So, what's the big deal here folks? It's Your tax money! You hired him! You 'knew' what he was like! 'You 'knew' he was a 'snake' when you took him in'. If you expect our President to get any work done at all, then he must be on the links more often than not. Golf helps him clear his mind of all those useless investigations, and those mean things people say about him behind his back. So he likes to play a round or two of gold every weekend at Americas expense, well you'll be 'thanking' him as soon as he has time to get some official government work done. You 'know' he's 'working' when he's tweeting in his nocturnal hours. Now leave him alone or you'll get on his 'payback' list!' ;)

During Obama’s terms of office and the election campaign, Donald Trump frequently took aim at Obama’s golf games, decrying them as scandalous in light of “the problems and difficu…