Wednesday, April 22, 2020

'Yeahhhh...No More Masks!

' more masks!, you know, that in all probability stops or at least slows the spread of this deadly virus, which I'm pretty sure doesn't even exist in the first place, but just in case, I've got my bandanna at the ready. Oh, and, I have a right to become infected with a deadly virus that could conceivably kill me, and I have a right to go home from this little 'social meeting', and infect my whole family, some of whom, especially the elderly, will likely die from it. But..., that's my right under the constitution, I'm like what'cha might call, a very 'learned' denier, and not a bad 'trumper' at that! And besides, my hero, trump, 'The Denier', has my back. 
Hmmm..., Let's see, what else do we demand....ahhh...hmmmm….ahhh, boy, ya got me there! Oh wait! I don't know how to do my own 'nails'. Wait!, I know now, how about we have a right to hear only lies from our cult leader? Yeah, that's a really important right that our constitution gives us. No more truth! No more truth! The 'truth' is just a bunch of lies! Down with truth! Did I mention "Fire Dr. Fauci"!? Yeah, he's gotta go! He makes our lies look really bad. That hurts our feelings. He should be fired for having ethics and morals, and courage, and especially for his constant 'truth telling' in public! I mean, who does that!? Our cult leader tells us that, 'Scientists and Physicians are enemy of the people', you know, people just like myself.
Everybody sing along with me, "Down With Truth', sung to the tune of, 'Down With Truth'! And by the way, see this body? Not only do I look 'hot' in my designer 'protest togs', but I have a right to do whatever I want to do with my own body, even if it entails, like I said, becoming infected with a deadly virus, but also spreading that virus to totally innocent people. So there! That's my 'right'. And stop trying to take my guns away from me. And, I miss going out and doing stuff. And make my grocery store get some tomatoes! Oh darn, that's all I can think of right now, shoulda thought of stuff before I came. Gotta run, time for my 'therapy' session.'

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