Thursday, April 23, 2020

We've "Seen" Way Too Much Already

Surprise, 'surprise', once again, unsupervised, 'Boy-King' trump, 'The Vacillater', has, in his usual custom, flip-flopped, threw the train in reverse while moving foreword, wishey-washed, been opaquely 'clear', and to all outward appearances, is totally out of his 'presidential' mind. If you are 'surprised', then you haven't been paying attention.
As he once said while campaigning for the office that he currently, and so very incompetently holds; "You ain't seen nothing yet".
Actually, we've seen way to much already. It's time for the 'Boy-King' to abdicate the throne, take his little princes and princesses, and go back to being a very, hugely, failed so-called 'businessman'.


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