Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The 'Boy-King' Misses Football

'Boy! Dont'cha just 'miss' those sweaty, manly, testosterone filled football games!? I sure do, and I bet you do too. “I’m tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old.” I bet you are too! My castle hasn't been the same without the sports channel blasting out those football games every minute of an otherwise nothing to do day. I love watching those millionaire players tossing that ball around, listening to them grunt when they smash into one another. Sometimes you can even see some blood on their elbows. Wow! Football games make me sweat in my designer pants like crazy! See, even 'Boy-Kings' can have fun!
I bet every single 'patriotic' American, you know, people just like me, myself, and I, would like to see me suckering the football leagues owners into getting back on the field, and packing those billion dollar stadiums chock full of excited trump loving fans, you know, the ones that have no fear of some stupid 'virus', again.
Well, guess what sports fans! You can count on me to make that happen! Pretty soon, I'll declare that the coronavirus, or whatever it's called, problem is over. Then, I'll open up those stadiums so that our millionaire sports hero's can get back to making even more money off of your purchases' of way overpriced tickets and football merchandise. Remember, it's 'your' money that makes them millionaires. Without 'you' they will be just 'like' you. You don't want that, do you. No, of course not.
And guess what sports fans! The owners of the football leagues are all 'trumpers'! They donate millions and millions of their dollars to my campaign funds, money that fans like you are foolish enough to dish out to watch their mindless games. Remember, without you spending your hard earned money on their football games, they wouldn't have enough money to give me for my re-election bid. Think about 'that'!

 They have 'earned' my loyalty, and as long as they continue to 'pay' homage to my holy name, and donate profusely, and never piss me off, I'll make sure that with my help, they'll continue to pick your pockets clean.
And, they all get to be part of my little Sports Advisory Team to help me re-start America! Mostly because I have no clue how to do it myself. Dont'cha just love 'hero's?'

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