Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Fool On a Fools Errand

This is a fool on a fools errand! Just another made for TV 'trumpstraction', hoping that this new chaos will take the public eye off of his incompetency in handling the coronavirus pandemic in our nation. The 'Boy-King' has lied his way into a corner, and now must find a way out, and so now he blames everyone else for his own failures, and thinks nothing of throwing the rest of the world into a trump-made turmoil.
The 'Boy-King', tired and embarrassed by his current task force of Scientists and learned Physicians, who have, in trumps world of lies, a terrible habit of telling the truth, will soon surround himself with his 'Eeny, meeny, miny, moe' handpicked 'Head Bobbing Finger Puppets', all of whom will bob and nod their empty heads 'yes' at everything, and every lie, he continues to tell from now own. There will be a marked absence of Scientists as we know them, or Physicians who have their finger on the weakening pulse of our America. The 'Boy-King' refuses to hear the 'truth', and will never utter even a syllable of it.  If they say anything at all it will be in the 'Boy-Kings' own scripted words, nothing more, nothing less. To be a part of the 'Boy-Kings' panel, they will have pawned their souls to the 'devil' himself.
The old adage; 'The fox in charge of the henhouse', rings true at our nations White House. The unsupervised, tantrum prone, totally incompetent, 'Boy-King', is the 'Fox', and we Americans, are the 'Hens'.

The 'Boy-Kings' world has gone stark raving mad, and soon there will be no sane voice left in the 'asylum'. The 'truth' dares not enter our nations White House, and for sure, as long as the 'Boy-King' sits upon the throne, none will ever escape from it.
 Nothing good can come of this state of affairs.

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