Monday, April 20, 2020

'Me, Myself, and I'

'My fellow mindless, cult followers, and 'victims' alike.
I know how very, very, proud you must feel to be in the presence of your kings royal voice. I feel the same way. I am totally in abject awe of myself. Just knowing that my loyal subjects, my faithful little mindless lemmings, have my back in such self generated times like these, makes me so childishly happy, I could just trumpoop in my 'presidential' pull-ups! What joy!
Speaking of 'great joy', did I mention that I have singlehandedly cured the coronavirus? I did! Soon, I'll tell exactly how I did it. Maybe at tomorrow's daily White House 'campaign' rally. Or next week, Soon. We'll see how it goes. Repeat after me; 'Open America up! We're tired of staying safe at home, Down with Governors, Insurrection is American, Armed Disobedience is our Constitutional right, We have a 'right' to be infected with coronavirus and to infect innocent people'! There! Don't you feel better now? I sure do.
I'd like to thank the three wonderful, very intelligent, 'scientific', hugely brained people, who, with out their able assistance, I would not have been able to, as your 'Warrior King', conquer this pesky 'cold virus'.
First let me mention; 'Me'. What a great guy! Always there for me! Always ready to give me a hand, job. And then there's 'Myself', without whom, 'me' would get very little done, so a big hand for 'Myself'! Clap, clap, clap! And last but not nearly least, is, 'I', an incredible asset to the other two. I would be nothing without 'I', leading the way for 'Me', and 'Myself'. What a wonderful clutch of egotistical, paranoid 'friends'!
And now that I've given my faithful serfs a hall pass to refuse to obey your own state governments 'stay at home' orders, to stand heavily armed to the teeth on Capital steps while subtly threatening your fellow citizens, I know I can count on you in November, that is if you are still alive, to come out and vote me in for another 4yrs of chaos, civil disobedience, Unlawfulness, stupidity, thousands upon thousands of lies and disinformation, attacks against your sworn enemy, the free press, scientists, and physicians alike, well, except for Dr. Phil (not even a licensed medical physician) and Dr. Oz, (the consummate 'snake oil' salesman) both of whom are great $$$$ donors to my campaign, to continue the disruption and eventual destruction of America.
Remember folks, if you want to hear even more lies from the very lips of your esteemed king, just keep up the 'good work' of civil unrest, unlawful disobedience of your nasty governors laws, denial of this hoax of a so-called, 'pandemic', ignore proven 'social distancing' rules, and rejection of medical science, what ever that phony stuff is, and I promise you that you'll be under my evil spell for another four painful, soul destroying years. You ain't seen nothing yet! Your self appointed, jesus anointed, king of America, has only just begun to create real havoc across your nation. Just what you asked for when you voted for me, right?'
'Buddy Blacks Satirical Ramblings', (go on, just google it, I promise satisfaction or a 100% refund. Actually, it's Free!) ;)


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