Saturday, April 4, 2020

"Face Mask?" Nope, Not 'Me'!

'Are you kidding me!?? Are you??? A "face mask"!? 'Me' wear one of those silly things? No way pal! Not me! Do you know who you're talking to? You there! Look at me! Can you imagine me wearing one of those things?
Look, "I think wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, I don't know somehow I don't see it for myself. I just don't. Maybe I'll change my mind."
I mean what would my BFF 'dictator' friends think of me if they saw me wearing that thing? 'What the hell, 'Your highness', did you just rob someone on 5th Avenue!?'
"I just don't want to be doing [that], somehow sitting in the Oval Office behind that beautiful resolute desk, the great Resolute Desk." Have you ever 'seen' that "desk"? "Resolute'! Very "resolute"! No one has a desk like that. Not even my dictator friends. There's no other 'king' that has one like mine. Very resolute. And my chair! What a chair!
But you know, it just wouldn't "look right" for me, America's self appointed 'Messiah' to wear a mask. That would just make me look weak in the eyes of my loyal subjects. I mean, who does that? And besides, it just wouldn't look natural for me to set the ' proper example' for other American's to follow. Never done it before now, why start now. Good 'leaders' never stoop to their subjects own pitiful level.
I say, do as I 'say', not as I 'do'! As for other people, "You don't have to do it," "I'm choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it and that's OK. It may be good. Probably will."
As you know, "I was just tested," "I assume I don't have the virus so I don't have to worry about spreading it." Everyone knows that I am 'un-touchable', and that means from laws, rules, ethics, morals, and especially some silly 'virus' or whatever it's called, that you can't even 'see'. Nope, not worried about it at all. My 'spiritual advisor' assured me that jesus is on my side, so I'm not concerned at all.
Again, let me assure my subjects that I have this virus under control, don't worry about it, I sure don't, there's plenty, more than enough medical supplies for everyone, millions of stuff, and things like that, in fact we have a surplus, sending lots of un-needed stuff to my special 'friends' overseas.
As for 'me' wearing a mask that's surely gonna mess up my bountiful hair, and smear the hell out of my 'makeup', no way, not gonna do it, you can't make me, I make the 'rules', and I really don't care if anyone else wears it or not. But, that's just me, me, me.
Remember, 'do as I say, not as I do.'

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