Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"A Measured Step" In Georgia

'Well, I'll be the first of many to admit that I'm certainly not a doctor, scientist, or for that matter, anyone that has even half a brain, but you can be assured that I 'am' a very good 'middle finger trump puppet', and anything that's good enough for my 'master', is of course, more than good enough for me.
"This is going to take some common sense. Our people have learned." Yeah, I really don't know 'what' they've "learned", but if they have watched me closely, they certainly had to have "learned" 'something', if nothing else, that I have very little "common sense".   I just tell them, 'do as I say, not as I do'. Not sure what the hell that means actually, but I bet someone out there knows.
My 'people', or at least those foolish enough to vote for me, tell me they have suffered cabin fever long enough! Did you know that there's people out there that need a hair cut, they need their fingernails painted, there's people who are virtually starving to death because they don't know how to cook, people just want a good juicy burger in their mouths, people want to get a sun tan, and 'me', I want to get re-elected so that I can continue ruling Georgia with my head firmly imbedded up my simple minded arse!! Is that too much to ask! Is it??
You might wonder, well, right along with everyone else that has even a shred of common sense, 'Governor Kemp, how are you going to open up Georgia without killing thousands of innocent lives?' Don't worry, I wonder that too. But, "We are taking a measured step," that's right, "a measured step". You see, I have this 'yard stick' that I use in cases like this so-called 'pandemic' thing. You can use it to measure other stuff too, but I just use it for emergencies like this one that was 'probably' created by the Democrats. I'm pretty sure that I need only use about 12 inches of it to figure this thing out. That's why I call it a "measured step". For instance, say you want a hair cut. Well, you put on your hazmat suit, go in, sit in the barber chair and say, 'Hey, I need a hair cut'. Your barber, dressed likewise has to stay at least 12 inches away from your head. That's called a "measured step". Same thing to get your nails painted, or let's say you want to get a 'wax' job, same-o, same-o. Boy, this is gonna work out real well.

 Like our 'Boy-King' says, "This is like a real war". Some folks, or 'soldiers' as I call them, are just gonna have to die so that the rest of us can live! Do you like peaches? I sure do, and I hope there'll be enough people left to pick them. We'll see. Right?'

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has defended his plan to reopen some businesses in his state, including gyms and hair salons, later this week after facing strong backlash for what critics say is a premature and irresponsible action.

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