Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"15 Million Jobs"...'Really?'

'Well, would you look at that!? Would you!? I command you to 'look' at that! 'Unbelievable'! Who could ever 'believe' such a thing? Incredible! Only in my 'kingdom'! If she wasn't my own royal daughter, future 'Queen of America', I wouldn't believe it either! I mean, "15 MILLION jobs"!! I, myself couldn't even do that! Wow! 'Queen' material, or what! Get ready America!
One day recently, she was just sitting around doing stuff, nothing really great, except for maybe that incredible White House Tennis Court project that she singlehandedly designed and built with her own little fragile 'Queen-like' hands, and I said, 'Queen-Daughter-In-Waiting', put your Barbie's away, I must anoint you with further greatness'. 'What', I ask her, 'would you like to do besides play with your toys, and, you know, standing in front of your magic mirror? "I gave her lots of options. What do you like"? Oh, her sad little bored eyes brightened up, you should have seen her!, her dyed blond hair radiated just like my own, and she said, without even thinking about it for even one wasteful second, 'Gee, daddy, 'King of America', I want to 'create 500 thousand jobs for our out of work 'subjects', even our pitiful 'serfs' deserve a job.' And can you actually 'believe' it, just like that, "She created over 15 million jobs working with some of you, but working with the biggest companies in the world". Is she a true 'trumper' or what! "My daughter Ivanka Trump who just wants to have people working". "They were training, and training, like nobody's ever seen. She started off with a goal of 500 thousand jobs, and now she's up to over 15 million". "Thank you honey, thank you". If she's not 'Queen' material, then I 'don't know' what is! Really.
"15 Million", probably millions and millions more, maybe the whole world later! Just imagine everyone on the planet working jobs that their future queen created!
Is that 'insane', or is it just 'me'!?'

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