Wednesday, April 29, 2020

'Mask'? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Mask!

'Well, would you just look at 'Me', 'The King-In-Waiting', regally looking people, "in the eye"! And what's with all these people wearing some sort of 'masks'!? Do they know something I refuse to know? Why are they hiding behind those silly things? Am I really the only 'insanely' intelligent person here?? Is this totally crazy, or is it just 'me'? How do they expect to be able to look me "in the eye" while they wear those ridiculous things? I know, I bet you wonder the same thing, right?
You may also wonder why I, myself, am above all others, well, except for my wonderful 'boss', and how I can walk among the sick, and remain untouched by ills that other less gifted are afflicted with. Well, let me explain it in simple terms that even those less gifted Americans can understand; "As vice president of the United States I'm tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus," "Since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers these incredible health care personnel and look them in the eye and say thank you,". One should never pass up a forced opportunity for a photo op.
My 'in depth' understanding is that once tested for the 'virus', there's no need to worry anymore.
I mean, I passed the 'test', I don't have the virus, all those who suck-up to me in my semi-royal presence don't have it, so how could I possibly be a 'threat' to innocent people? I mean 'how'? I, as is my 'boss', am totally 'untouchable', impervious, against all worldly evil things, and that goes for 'everything', you know, rules, laws, ethics, morals, common sense, silly stuff like that.
Let me briefly mention my unique 'meeting and greeting' method, the 'Elbow Bump', or as I personally refer to as the, 'Man Bump'. Not only do I not need a mask, which obviously prevents my eyes from 'seeing'' other peoples eyes, but I need not worry that my clothing may be carrying the virus or that I might transfer it to an innocent elbow or vice-versus.
My royal advice, which totally mirrors that of my boss, trump, 'The Nay-Sayer', is for all American's to, 'do as I say, not as I do'. Americans need not worry, the dysfunctional trump administration will keep you 'safe'. Really. We will. 'Really'.'

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Vice President Mike Pence, who leads the White House's coronavirus task force, visited the Mayo Clinic without a mask. The facility requires everyone to wear a mask to avoid potentially spreading the virus that causes Covid-19.

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