Monday, April 6, 2020

The 'Chain of Command'

Emotions aside, the bottom line here is that, as in any branch of our Armed Forces, everyone from the grade of 'Private', to the very top of the pecking order in grade, is subject to the rules of the 'Chain of Command'. If a private has an issue with something that he see's as worrisome, he is bound to take it to the next grade level above him, if no relief there, he can go to the next higher level and so on until he has 'relief'. He cannot simply jump rank, or 'Break The Chain', to the highest level until he has used the prescribed Chain of Command. If he simply goes from his own grade level to, say, his Commanding Officer, sans 'going up the chain', he has 'broken' the Chain of Command, and there's possible punishment for doing so.
Perhaps more will come to light in this case but don't count on it any time soon.
It could be that the captain felt, and probably rightly so, that because of the number of coronavirus cases aboard his ship, there existed a life or death situation that could not be immediately resolved by virtue of the 'Chain of Command' prescription that one normally follows, and knowing that he would surely suffer serious repercussions, decided anyway, to knowingly 'break the chain' in order to find immediate relief for his crew members that he, himself is ultimately responsible for. His first duty is to his 'ship', and then his 'crew'. But without a crew, there is no ship. The ship wasn't in danger of 'sinking', but his crew was.
Regardless, trump, 'The Incompetent', should not add his vindictive two cents into the fray. 'Military Justice' is not always fair, and not always right, but right or wrong, it 'is' always the 'justice' that rules the military. America's 'Civilian Judicial System' is no better nor worse.
Otherwise, everyone else should stop it with the 'armchair lawyer' crap, and let this take its course. If the captain was correct in his actions, hopefully he will be vindicated. If not, life goes on in the military.

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