Sunday, April 5, 2020

Really, "What Have You Got To Lose"?

  'Look folks, I was able to 'crown' myself as the 'Boy-King' of America. And they said it couldn't be done. But look what I did. People couldn't believe what they were seeing. Many people called me and said, 'I can't believe you were able to do that, I can't believe what I'm seeing'. Many people. Some of them I don't even know. Some, maybe a lot, voted for me. Millions probably. We'll see.
And then, I was able to belittle, badmouth, and demean the 'free press' in America to the point where no one, especially republicans and my cult following, no longer trust them as the "enemy of the people". Remember, I'm the only 'true' voice of 'truth and freedom', you can trust me. Only me.
I read the 'title' of a medical book the other day. Great book. Probably lots of interesting stuff about medicine in it, somewhere. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. But after reading the title, I found that I now know more about 'medicine' and stuff like that, than any doctor I currently know, and those, if there's any left, even in the future, will ever know.
The one thing I now know most about is viruses. There's been a lot of contradictory "fake news" about this coronavirus or whatever it's called. No ones sure what to call it. But don't worry, I can clear all that nonsense up. For instance, 'ventilators'. Who 'needs' them? I sure don't. I bet you don't either. Way over rated! Hospitals are wasting a lot of time using those things when they aren't even needed. And then, they have the balls to beg me for more of them! 'More' ventilators!? Bunch of crybabies. I mean, who does that? Sure, I have a lot of them in my federal stockpile but I'm not letting them go to just anyone. What if Jerad needs one. Maybe my wifie. Who knows, maybe myself. These things are worse than the illness they were made to cure. Remember, the "cure cannot be worse than the virus". So instead of using these alleged 'life saving' machines, I have a better idea. There's this un-proven drug,
hydroxychloroquine, great invention, saved millions, and millions of lives in India, all over the world, and someplace else, or somewhere. It's cheaper than a ventilator, I'm told you don't even have to plug it into a wall outlet. It's a gift from heaven!
“What do you have to lose? Take it,” “I really think they should take it. But it’s their choice. And it’s their doctor’s choice or the doctors in the hospital. But hydroxychloroquine. Try it, if you’d like.” You might like it. I probably wouldn't, just like I'll never wear one of those silly masks. Might work, Might not. Who knows. It might kill you, but you'll probably die anyway, so why not try it. "What have you got you lose?" Hey, remember when I said that about Black voters?
"The other thing, if you have a heart condition, I understand, probably you stay away from the Z-Pak. But that’s an antibiotic. It can clean out the lung. The lungs are a point of attack for this horrible virus.” Everyone like 'clean lungs', right? Sure you do. I do too. So why not try that too. What could it possibly hurt? Can't be worse than the virus, right?
Now, I'm not 'telling' anyone to take these drugs, am I? No, of course 'not'. But you get my drift, my hint, right?
Remember, do as I say, not as I do.
Well, I must get busy reading the title of a great Aerospace book. I love being an 'expert' in everything there is to know about everything there is to know. I bet you're really proud of my really "huge" brain. Right? Right?'


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