Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dr. Fauci Saw The 'light', And 'Blinked'

Dr. Fauci has looked into the soulless eyes of the 'devil', saw the 'light', and has done the preverbal 'blink'. So sad. It appears that Dr. Fauci, up until this moment anyway, had a sound and sincere, and unflagging soul. But now it appears that he has sold part of that soul to the devil himself. Political 'prostitution' is an ugly thing indeed.
Prior to this little humiliating 'curtsy to the king', Dr. Fauci could be relied upon to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth. Now, after being forced by the 'Boy-King' to show complete contrition, and total submission, his 'word' hereafter will surely be that of his puppet master, 'king trump'. Now he knows what it really feels like to be one of the kings Head Bobbing, Finger Puppets.
Dr. Fauci should read the 'writing on the poop house wall', and bail out of there before he hears those career ending words, 'You're Fired'!
And so it goes with this incredibly incompetent trump administrations drive to destroy all things that America has, pre-trump, stood for.
We might eventually 'recover' from the coronavirus, but America will 'Never' recover, and heal from the egotistical excesses of this pitiful 'Boy-King' that the Republican Party unleashed upon our nation. Once foolishly opened, Pandora's Box, can never be closed again.

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President Trump on Monday mounted a heated defense of his response to coronavirus during a combative briefing, as Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, attempted to clarify his comment a day earlier that lives could have been saved had U.S. off...

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