Thursday, April 9, 2020

'WHO', Is To Blame?

'Just 'who' the hell does WHO think they are!? Not telling me about this beer virus, or what ever it's called! No one is sure what to call it. WHO knows. I mean, WHO does that?? WHO, I ask!?
Boy, this thing really caught 'me' right in the arse, totally by 'surprise'. I had no clue! Of course all I watch on my teli is Fox 'News', that might explain it. WHO knows? All I know for sure is that 'someone', and I think I know WHO, dropped the ball here! And you can be certain that whenever I find out WHO did it, heads are gonna roll. I've made a 'firing' list, and I'm checking it twice, gonna find out WHO has been to blame for this, virus thing, or whatever. "They could have called it months earlier," you know, like in January. Where was WHO back then!? Who's in charge at WHO?? Should 'a called me. My phone didn't ring once.
Well, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't me! I'm not to blame. Don't go there. If I'd only known about it in January, I would have stopped that thing in its tracks! Whamo! Just like that! That's what I do, I 'stop' things from happening. Just look at my 'record'! Lots of stuff I've stopped. Big stuff, little stuff. A little 'virus' would have meant 'nothing' to me, you know, just like now that I do know about it.
Anyway, WHO, or who ever they are, gets no more of my money! Who cares about WHO? A little too close to China. "China-centric"! Can't trust'em! But you know what? You can 'always' 'trust' Me. WHO ya gonna call when you need help? WHO, or me? I know the answer, and so do you. Right? It's me, right? Right??'

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