Monday, April 27, 2020

“Our National History.” Say's Mr. Zorn

'What!?? It 'does'?? Really? OMG! :O Well, let me be the 'first' to be 'surprised'! I mean, like, I had no idea! I'm a very busy 'lawmaker', 'very' busy as you can imagine, and you should also barely imagine just how difficult it must be for someone of my 'busyness' stature to stay informed of all things related to symbols of racism and outright hate.
Actually, the photo in 'question' has been taken out of context by the 'feeding frenzy' press. I was not actually 'wearing' what has been 'mistaken' for the Confederate flag, as much as it was simply something 'resting upon my face'. Sure, maybe I see that flag as part of my 'heritage', you know, my 'southern pride' thing, but then ,who doesn't, right?.
Even though it took my little wifie hours to construct my very effective virus blocker, I mean just try that with an 'American' flag, I have donated it to my favorite confederate museum as part of the "history" of our nation.

And so now, it's time for me to be as 'contrite' as I can possibly be. So, let me continue with my humble, yet less than sincere, 'apology'.
“I’m sorry for my choice of pattern on the face mask I wore yesterday on the Senate floor,” “I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents.”  No, really. Honest. I would 'never' lie about something like that, unless I have to, and unless I have my fingers crossed. Anyway, “My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode,” and that's the 'truth' as I know it. I will soundly correct my wifes terrible mistake.
But really, what's the big deal here folks? We all know and 'appreciate' that the confederate flag, that wonderful symbol of Slavery, hate and rebellion, against federal intrusion into our very private lives, is simply, "...part of “our national history.”  Let me continue with my blathering's of apologies,
“It’s something we can’t just throw away because it is part of our history,” “And if we want to make sure that the atrocities that happened during that time doesn’t happen again, we should be teaching it. Our kids should know what that flag stands for.”

And what better way to teach them hate, prejudice and racial intolerance than for 'good ol', southern loving boys' like myself, to proudly wear it right on our faces, no matter who it offends in the process. But hey, that's just 'me', what else would you expect from a old decrepit, Republican, trump loving fart like myself. Really.'

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