Friday, April 3, 2020

'Pandemic'?? What Pandemic?

'Yeah, you know, I was watching my very "huge" brained hero, 'messiah trump', my special BFF-FWB, and I became keenly aware of a mysterious change in his "demeanor". "It is a very serious situation," "When you see the President up there and his demeanor the last couple of days, that's not necessarily how he always is." Yeah, usually, he's "always" so.... 'king' like, and now he's sorta on the pauper side. I always take my cues from my hero, and what he says, I say, what he does, I do. If he says 'Ronnie, go poop some marbles', I say, 'what color boss? We both think alike, my hero and me. Don't know where I'd be without him. Probably doing what I'm best suited for, flipping burgers somewhere. I bet he picks 'me' to be his assistant king in November, you know, when he wins the election by millions, and millions, and millions of votes...or by virtue of the antiquated Electoral College, like last time, when millions of votes were stolen from him by that awful woman.
I'd make a great assistant king, I really would. I wouldn't even have to use my own little, useless brain! I'd be his very best 'head-bobbing finger puppet' you ever did see.
The other day I read that there's some sort of 'flu bug' in my state. What!!??? What's that all about!? Whatever. But I don't worry about little stuff like that. No one dies from a 'cold', do they? I'm just trying to be just like my BFF-FWB, he will make sure I'm re-elected, all I have to do is look puzzled all the time, stay in denial, and kiss his ass like there's no tomorrow. Maybe there's a VP spot in my future. Did I tell you about how many Floridians love me to no end? Millions, and millions, and millions! Thousands of phone calls every day from my followers! Florida is 'lucky' I came along when I did. What a horrible mess I inherited! But enough about 'me', after all, it's not about 'me' is it? Oh, how do you like my new suit?' Does it make my head look big? Is it time for lunch yet?

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