Friday, April 17, 2020

AMERICA! Wake The Hell Up!!

THIS, is the person who is 'supposed' to be America's 'President', the 'Commander-In-Chief', the 'leader' of our nation, and who is supposed to work for the benefit of all American's. And yet, here we actually have a 'Commander-In-Fool' who is actively fomenting 'insurrection' among our nations citizens.
This incompetent buffoon discovered that he is not so much the 'king' he fancies himself to be, and does not after all have the authority to order the states to do his ignorant bidding, and so he has turned to 'tweeter' once again to create division, and chaos by pandering to his mindless cult followers to defy their governors 'stay at home' orders. This spoiled, unsupervised child, masquerading as our president, will stop at nothing in order to get his way, and 'stick it' to the governors that he see's as his enemy.
Kings, dictators, and monarchs do this in order to turn citizen against citizen, nation against nation, and trump, 'The Instigator', is all of those despicable things.
America's Constitution is a wonderful thing, and without it we would not be 'America'. But, wonderful as it is, it has certain flaws that need correcting, and one of them is that it gives a sitting president TOO MUCH UNSUPERVISED POWER. Our Founding Fathers never imagined that one day in the future, an egotistical, 'King' in waiting would come along and usurp our constitution, and in effect crown himself as quasi 'King' of America, and become absolutely un-touchable from the laws that govern all other Americans.
It's not bad enough that we are fighting for our lives in the face of a pandemic, but we also have to fight for our nations very life, in the face of an egotistical fool that appears to be trying to destroy our nation from within.
If American's do not stand up and vote this 'Dictator-In-Chief' out of office in November, then America as we know it will be no more than a third world country, isolated from the rest of the world living under a trump dynasty where 'lies' are the order of the day, ethics and morals count for nothing, our environment will be destroyed in favor of trumps big money donors, and the trump family dynasty will rule all aspects of our lives.
If you think even for one second that I'm exaggerating, then 'you' have not been paying attention to what trump, the 'Boy-king', is really about. Wake up America! Do not sleep walk through this election year! 

See More
President Trump on Friday appeared to back protesters in three states with Democratic governors who are gathering in opposition to extended stay-at-home orders and other restrictions meant to limit the spread of the coronavirus

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