Tuesday, April 7, 2020

'What' "Shortages"!?

'What!? Who said that?? "Shortages"? What's that all about!? More "fake news"! I can 'honestly' tell you that, that alleged 'report', is "just wrong". I can't be more opaque than that! Why do you fake news reporters keep asking such "nasty" questions? "You should say, 'congratulations, Great job', instead of being so horrid," Would someone please tell me who this 'Inspector General' is?? 'Where did he come from, the inspector general?" "What's his name?" I bet he's an Obama lover! What idiot hired him? "Did I hear the word inspector general?" Why do we even 'have, 'Inspector Generals'. Are they in the Army? A 'general' is supposed to be in the army! I'll tell you why we don't need these guys! Their job, from what I understand, is to 'find' the 'truth', and then to 'blab' about it! I mean, who does that? In 'my' world, the 'truth' is a very dangerous thing! Who needs it!? I sure don't, and I bet you don't either. I've always been very, hugely, mistrustful of inspectors generals. Can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut! Nasty people! Terrible! "Just wrong". I think I'll just fire all of them and do the job myself. The only three people I need to advise me are, Me, Myself, and I. And if I've ever told the truth, I'm telling it now.'

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