Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Watchful Eyes, Blinded

'King Trump' is consolidating his kingly power by firing anyone that could possibly be a threat to he future of his golden throne. He abhors the truth of any matter, repels all who would dare bring truth to the light of day, a 'light' he cannot stand being shone into the fetid darkness of his pitifully paranoid soul, or at least what might be left of it. Morals, honesty, dignity and ethics, are foreign words to someone that possesses the vocabulary of a 3rd grader. The 'boy-king' continues, even in the midst of a world and nationwide pandemic, to think only of his own 'security' by constantly creating distractions, diversions, divisions, and chaos, in hopes that it will divert watchful eyes from his totally incompetent actions, and sadly, inactions, as the failed 'leader' of our nation. We can thank the dated, and very antiquated, Electoral College for America now being forced to suffer this consummate fool on a fools errand.

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