Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hail To The 'Boy-King'

'As America's duly elected, self appointed, and holy anointed, unsupervised, 'Boy-King', I hereby grant myself the power of complete, and total, Omnipotency.
As 'Boy-King', my "authority is total". I am un-touchable, above reproach, immune to all laws of the land. I'm even immune to viruses that bring the lower class's to their boney knees.
Let it be 'known' that from this day forward I deem myself to be the most powerful 'Boy-king' that America has ever had to suffer. My word is the final word, there shall be no other words spoken but my own. When I speak, you listen, when I want 'you' to speak it will be in the words I authorize. Blasphemy of my name shall not be tolerated. If any of my unfortunate subjects, minions, lemmings, and serfs, dare speak words of criticism of their 'Boy-King', it shall be deemed as blasphemy, and I shall smite them with my limpid, impotent 'staff', and then, with three fateful words, 'You Are Fired', banish them to 'Political Hell', where they shall forever burn in the fiery coals of regret and remorse, a fate worse than death itself.
I, and I alone will decide when the nation can "open up", and when the coronavirus is no longer a "fake news" problem. Right now, my personal White House 'Spiritual Advisor' is on vacation in Aruba, or somewhere, not returning my texts, honey, if you are reading this, call me, but when she returns, maybe next week, we'll see, she will 'lay hands' on me, as only she can, and guide me to spiritual enlightenment at which time I will decide the fate of America. Or, maybe I'll just rely upon my incredible "instincts". We'll see.
And how about my 'numbers'!? Incredible! Unbelievable numbers coming in from Fox news polls! Can you believe how many American's I have 'saved' from death!? Thousands! Millions and millions, and millions! All by myself! In some circles I am quite the hero. I can hardly believe it, but it's to be expected, after all, I 'am' the 'king' of spin. Monday, I will award myself the 'White House Life Saving Medal'! I really deserve it! I do. Really. I bet you think so too.
Until then, all American's will do as I say, not as I do. Remember,
Repeat after me; Hail to the 'Boy King'!   

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With 23,000 Americans dead and millions without a paycheck, President Donald Trump dimmed the lights in the White House briefing room, fired up a misleading propaganda video and boiled over.

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