Sunday, April 26, 2020

Failure to 'Lead'

The 'Boy-King' can add this to his list of failed 'business', and 'Me, me, me', ventures, along with his failed 'made for TV' reality shows. The longer it ran, the worse it became, until finally, through his 'incredible' 'leadership', the world decided, long before 'he' did, that, indeed, "What is the purpose".
American's deserve, and need to know what's going on during this pandemic, and in a perfect world, sans trump, 'The serial Liar', these 'briefings' would serve exactly that purpose. However, anything, and anyone connected to this unsupervised, vindictive child is fraught with career ending, personal 'land mines'.
Honest people with very good intentions simply cannot survive the mind throttling emanation of destruction that exudes from his vengeful soul. Everything he 'touches', withers, and dies on the vine. If he were a 'gardener', his garden' plot would be nothing but a dry, desolate 'hells little acre' of infertile dust.
This, boys and girls, is what abject 'failure to lead' looks like.
If you are not frightened and concerned about the future of America's Health, and Democracy that is being destroyed by this incompetent buffoon, then you are just the type of human lemming that he wants. 'Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it'.

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