Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mayor Goodman say's "Not My Job"

Wow! Talk about 'flipping the coin', 'rolling the dice', 'betting on a three legged race horse', 'playing Russian Roulette' with peoples lives!
 Nothing says it better than the, 'tired of being a leader', Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman; "I am not a private owner. That's the competition in this country. The free enterprise and to be able to make sure that what you offer the public meets the needs of the public," Goodman, an independent, told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Right now,... we're in a crisis health-wise, and so for a restaurant to be open or a small boutique to be open, they better figure it out. That's their job. That's not the mayor's job." So sayeth a tired and worn out politician who obviously doesn't give two shits about her constituents who were foolish enough to elect her to a third term in 2019, and who will now get their 'pay-back' for their wasted vote. "Not the mayors job", says she, to lead by example, to insure the health and well being of her constituents. Just let them fight it out amongst themselves, and whoever is left standing after the body bags are filled, is the 'winner'. Sounds like something trump, 'The Learned', would subscribe to.
"I am not a private owner. That's the competition in this country. The free enterprise and to be able to make sure that what you offer the public meets the needs of the public," Goodman, an independent, told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Assume everybody is a carrier, and then you start from an even slate... and tell the people what to do," Goodman later added. "And let the businesses open, and competition will destroy that business if in fact they become evident they have disease they're closed down. It's that simple". Ohhh...yes, so very "simple", why didn't everyone think of that. In Las Vegas, it's the fittest that 'survive', and the 'weak' will simply 'die', and problem solved. How very "simple", minded of her.
Well, they elected her three (3) times, so 'maybe' they deserve her, but they probably had no clue that later on, like now, she would toss them to the killer virus instead of at least first trying to protect them from themselves.
Remember folks, she said, "That's not the mayor's job."
Good luck, and good-bye.

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