Tuesday, April 7, 2020

'Deer In The Headlights'

Everything, and everyone that trump, 'The Incompetent Boy-King', 'touches', withers and 'dies' on the vine. No one, nor anything is safe from his kingly 'presidential', soiled touch, and even they who pass too closely will succumb.
He manages to destroy Careers, reputations, livelihoods, economies, human souls, 'friends' and enemies alike, environments, nations, and yes, even his own country, either through incompetent actions or lack of 'presidential' actions.
There should be a sign posted at the entrance to the White House; 'FAIR WARNING! BEWARE! All ye who enter these portals consider your souls to now be nulled and voided, and prepare to be an empty soulless, lifeless shell upon your timely exit.'
And the really sad part of this is that our nation continues to allow this buffoon to deconstruct our Constitution, our Rule of Law, and our sense of Ethics for his own warped egotistic ends. We are truly a country not unlike a 'deer in the headlights', and 'he' is driving the truck.
The 'Stockholm Syndrome' is a fact, and it is we who suffer under its spell.

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