Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"More Important Things Than Living"

"And what I said when I was with you that night, there are more important things than living. And that’s saving this country for my children, and my grandchildren and saving this country for all of us,” and that's exactly what I probably mean, especially that first sentence 'Living', is so,...so, over rated. I mean, who hasn't done it, right?
Here, let me be very opaque about this 'living' subject. You live, and then you get a killer virus, and you die. What's the big deal here? Very old people, like myself, should volunteer for the good of the cause and just go ahead, and drop over dead in front of a microphone in order to set the 'proper example'. The fewer 'old' people there are, the fewer people there'll be to eventually die from a 'flu'. It's a numbers game. I mean, we're all gonna do it sooner or later, right? Hmmm...you know, come to 'think' about it, it's obvious that I just don't know what the hell I'm talking about! Sometimes, well, most of the time actually, I mimic my puppet master, 'Boy-King' trump, and make about as much sense as he never does.
Of course, there 'are' those who say that if we 'really' are interested in "saving our country", we should 'dump trump'. Hmmm..., we'll see. Maybe later.
Anyway, full steam ahead folks, virus be damned! I'm gonna 'open up' Texass come hell or high water, do or die, it doesn't matter who drops over dead because of my mindless actions. I'll bet my puppet master is watching me, and thinking I'll be a good running mate for him in November, I'm a really good 'trumper'. I am. I really am.
I know my fellow Texans will be very, hugely proud of me when their old parents and grandparents die because of me. Right? Right?'
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