Wednesday, April 1, 2020

U.S. In "Good Shape" Says The 'king'

  'Oh yeah, 'great' shape. No problems at all. Hardly any one is dying more than once.
 I've saved millions, and millions of lives that would have been lost had I not been 'Donnie-on-the-spot', by doing...well, you 'know, doing great stuff, and wonderful things, and stuff. You ain't seen nothing yet.
I'm the best 'War General' a 'war' has ever had! No one could have 'done' what I 'claim' to have done all by myself. No one. Saved Millions of lives! Huge numbers. I can't even count that high. They should be thankful. In fact, I get thousands, millions, of personal, "perfect" calls every day from 'make believe' people, you know, the folks I've practically 'saved'. Most, are really nice people. Some are unappreciative, mostly Democratic governors and mayors, oh, and "fake news" reporters. My very old 'make believe' 'friend' that I visit in that 'make believe' hospital, great guy, he is really appreciative of me for saving his life.
So don't worry folks, the three of us, Me, Myself, And I, will get us through this virus... or whatever the hell it's called.    Viruses should be made larger so that they can be seen. Easier to swat them, like, you know, with newspaper.
Hey speaking of viruses, did you see how I slammed that phony CNN reporter the other day. What a "cutie pie"! If he does that again I'll pull his credentials. No body talks to their 'king' like that and survives! When he gets out of mental rehab I might let him back into the reporter pool. I don't know. We'll see. Very "nasty" person. Asks too many pertinent questions, and expects truthful answers! I mean who does that!?? CNN. Very un-American "fake" new station. Mental note; find a way to shut down these "fake news" stations like my hero friend, Vlad, does in Russia. Great guy! Did I mention how much I admire the way he 'convinces' his subjects to adore him no matter what lies he tells? I just gotta love that guy!
Anyway, because of my 'great leadership', nobody could ever do what I claim to have done, my kingdom is in great shape, virus under control, all hospitals are overflowing with supplies, in fact I might order them to now share tons of it with Russia, maybe China, I don't know, we'll see how it goes. Maybe next week. We'll see. No more complaints from nasty governors, especially that "nasty" 'woman' governor. Terrible person. Can't stand her! WaaWaaWa! Why can't she be more like me!? My 'numbers' are really high as you know. Unbelievable numbers. Every American appreciates what I'm doing to them.
Did I mention that I gave myself an approval rating of 150%?'

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