Thursday, April 30, 2020

'Victory! Victory! No More Virus! Really.

'That's right folks, now that I have singlehandedly 'saved' millions and millions of grateful American 'voters', I declare 'Victory' over this so-called flu bug, or whatever it's called! 'Only' sixty thousand Americans dead! Compare that to how many are killed in traffic wrecks! People...good people...die all the time. From stuff, and things like that. We all, especially relatives, know 'someone' that has died from 'something'... right? I do. I bet you do too. And do we shut America down because of a bunch of deadly car crashes? I mean, who does that?
 Remember how I belatedly stopped almost all travel from China? Remember that one? Yep, that was 'me', 'Late-At-The-Gate-In-Chief'', after the 'horse' had already escaped. If only someone had warned me earlier.
'Some' say that I waited too long, but in my own pitiful defense, I was just waiting for 'Fox News' to provide me with the 'complete facts' before deciding to 'save', like I said, millions, and million, and millions of voters lives. Of course, now, they all owe me big huge time, and I'm sure I can sucker them into casting their wasted votes in my more than worthy direction.
So, in light of my 'unbelievable' total 'victory' over this flu bug, I declare that I will continue saving voters lives by "fading out" the Social Distancing Guidelines, you know, like the ones that my Assistant king pence, totally abused when he forced a visit on the Mayo Clinic the other day. Great guy! Loyal royal! They were in awe of his 'Nobel' presence. Best head nodding, 'middle finger puppet' I've ever hired. A big finger, and a round of applause for my man pence.. clap, clap.
So, let's go America, especially you faithful, always there, no matter what stupid crap I say or do, Republicans. Open those schools, open those shops, those movie houses, those ball stadiums, lets pack people in elbow to butthole, the hell with this useless, burdensome, un-American 'social distancing' fiasco. I need voters and this current ego trip will reel them in like the suckers they assuredly are. Don'tcha just love ignorant Americans? I sure do!'

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

'Mask'? I Don't Need No Stinkin' Mask!

'Well, would you just look at 'Me', 'The King-In-Waiting', regally looking people, "in the eye"! And what's with all these people wearing some sort of 'masks'!? Do they know something I refuse to know? Why are they hiding behind those silly things? Am I really the only 'insanely' intelligent person here?? Is this totally crazy, or is it just 'me'? How do they expect to be able to look me "in the eye" while they wear those ridiculous things? I know, I bet you wonder the same thing, right?
You may also wonder why I, myself, am above all others, well, except for my wonderful 'boss', and how I can walk among the sick, and remain untouched by ills that other less gifted are afflicted with. Well, let me explain it in simple terms that even those less gifted Americans can understand; "As vice president of the United States I'm tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus," "Since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers these incredible health care personnel and look them in the eye and say thank you,". One should never pass up a forced opportunity for a photo op.
My 'in depth' understanding is that once tested for the 'virus', there's no need to worry anymore.
I mean, I passed the 'test', I don't have the virus, all those who suck-up to me in my semi-royal presence don't have it, so how could I possibly be a 'threat' to innocent people? I mean 'how'? I, as is my 'boss', am totally 'untouchable', impervious, against all worldly evil things, and that goes for 'everything', you know, rules, laws, ethics, morals, common sense, silly stuff like that.
Let me briefly mention my unique 'meeting and greeting' method, the 'Elbow Bump', or as I personally refer to as the, 'Man Bump'. Not only do I not need a mask, which obviously prevents my eyes from 'seeing'' other peoples eyes, but I need not worry that my clothing may be carrying the virus or that I might transfer it to an innocent elbow or vice-versus.
My royal advice, which totally mirrors that of my boss, trump, 'The Nay-Sayer', is for all American's to, 'do as I say, not as I do'. Americans need not worry, the dysfunctional trump administration will keep you 'safe'. Really. We will. 'Really'.'

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Vice President Mike Pence, who leads the White House's coronavirus task force, visited the Mayo Clinic without a mask. The facility requires everyone to wear a mask to avoid potentially spreading the virus that causes Covid-19.

Monday, April 27, 2020

'Rhymeless', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Rhymeless', a poem by BuddyBlack

The words
That do
Not rhyme,
Fill and
Up my
I've searched,
And searched,
But still
Can't find,
Two simple
That tend
To rhyme.
The poetic
I often
Is void
Of rhyme,
And dry
Of muse.
So here
I sit
And quietly
Perhaps my
Will take
The bait,
And send
Me words
That often
Before I
My rhymeless

“Our National History.” Say's Mr. Zorn

'What!?? It 'does'?? Really? OMG! :O Well, let me be the 'first' to be 'surprised'! I mean, like, I had no idea! I'm a very busy 'lawmaker', 'very' busy as you can imagine, and you should also barely imagine just how difficult it must be for someone of my 'busyness' stature to stay informed of all things related to symbols of racism and outright hate.
Actually, the photo in 'question' has been taken out of context by the 'feeding frenzy' press. I was not actually 'wearing' what has been 'mistaken' for the Confederate flag, as much as it was simply something 'resting upon my face'. Sure, maybe I see that flag as part of my 'heritage', you know, my 'southern pride' thing, but then ,who doesn't, right?.
Even though it took my little wifie hours to construct my very effective virus blocker, I mean just try that with an 'American' flag, I have donated it to my favorite confederate museum as part of the "history" of our nation.

And so now, it's time for me to be as 'contrite' as I can possibly be. So, let me continue with my humble, yet less than sincere, 'apology'.
“I’m sorry for my choice of pattern on the face mask I wore yesterday on the Senate floor,” “I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents.”  No, really. Honest. I would 'never' lie about something like that, unless I have to, and unless I have my fingers crossed. Anyway, “My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode,” and that's the 'truth' as I know it. I will soundly correct my wifes terrible mistake.
But really, what's the big deal here folks? We all know and 'appreciate' that the confederate flag, that wonderful symbol of Slavery, hate and rebellion, against federal intrusion into our very private lives, is simply, "...part of “our national history.”  Let me continue with my blathering's of apologies,
“It’s something we can’t just throw away because it is part of our history,” “And if we want to make sure that the atrocities that happened during that time doesn’t happen again, we should be teaching it. Our kids should know what that flag stands for.”

And what better way to teach them hate, prejudice and racial intolerance than for 'good ol', southern loving boys' like myself, to proudly wear it right on our faces, no matter who it offends in the process. But hey, that's just 'me', what else would you expect from a old decrepit, Republican, trump loving fart like myself. Really.'

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Failure to 'Lead'

The 'Boy-King' can add this to his list of failed 'business', and 'Me, me, me', ventures, along with his failed 'made for TV' reality shows. The longer it ran, the worse it became, until finally, through his 'incredible' 'leadership', the world decided, long before 'he' did, that, indeed, "What is the purpose".
American's deserve, and need to know what's going on during this pandemic, and in a perfect world, sans trump, 'The serial Liar', these 'briefings' would serve exactly that purpose. However, anything, and anyone connected to this unsupervised, vindictive child is fraught with career ending, personal 'land mines'.
Honest people with very good intentions simply cannot survive the mind throttling emanation of destruction that exudes from his vengeful soul. Everything he 'touches', withers, and dies on the vine. If he were a 'gardener', his garden' plot would be nothing but a dry, desolate 'hells little acre' of infertile dust.
This, boys and girls, is what abject 'failure to lead' looks like.
If you are not frightened and concerned about the future of America's Health, and Democracy that is being destroyed by this incompetent buffoon, then you are just the type of human lemming that he wants. 'Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it'.

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Friday, April 24, 2020

Another Incompetent Hire

“millions of Chinese suck the blood out of rabid bats as an appetizer and eat the ass out of anteaters"....Well, he must feel right at home with his racist head firmly lodged in his puppet masters arse.
Nothing like a hand picked 'good ol' boy', 'right winger', as the HHS Spokesman, you know, a guy that 'speaks' for all of those like-minded racist Americans out there.
Just another one of trump, 'The Incompetent's', incompetent hires. Business as usual.


Thursday, April 23, 2020

We've "Seen" Way Too Much Already

Surprise, 'surprise', once again, unsupervised, 'Boy-King' trump, 'The Vacillater', has, in his usual custom, flip-flopped, threw the train in reverse while moving foreword, wishey-washed, been opaquely 'clear', and to all outward appearances, is totally out of his 'presidential' mind. If you are 'surprised', then you haven't been paying attention.
As he once said while campaigning for the office that he currently, and so very incompetently holds; "You ain't seen nothing yet".
Actually, we've seen way to much already. It's time for the 'Boy-King' to abdicate the throne, take his little princes and princesses, and go back to being a very, hugely, failed so-called 'businessman'.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mayor Goodman say's "Not My Job"

Wow! Talk about 'flipping the coin', 'rolling the dice', 'betting on a three legged race horse', 'playing Russian Roulette' with peoples lives!
 Nothing says it better than the, 'tired of being a leader', Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman; "I am not a private owner. That's the competition in this country. The free enterprise and to be able to make sure that what you offer the public meets the needs of the public," Goodman, an independent, told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Right now,... we're in a crisis health-wise, and so for a restaurant to be open or a small boutique to be open, they better figure it out. That's their job. That's not the mayor's job." So sayeth a tired and worn out politician who obviously doesn't give two shits about her constituents who were foolish enough to elect her to a third term in 2019, and who will now get their 'pay-back' for their wasted vote. "Not the mayors job", says she, to lead by example, to insure the health and well being of her constituents. Just let them fight it out amongst themselves, and whoever is left standing after the body bags are filled, is the 'winner'. Sounds like something trump, 'The Learned', would subscribe to.
"I am not a private owner. That's the competition in this country. The free enterprise and to be able to make sure that what you offer the public meets the needs of the public," Goodman, an independent, told CNN's Anderson Cooper.
"Assume everybody is a carrier, and then you start from an even slate... and tell the people what to do," Goodman later added. "And let the businesses open, and competition will destroy that business if in fact they become evident they have disease they're closed down. It's that simple". Ohhh...yes, so very "simple", why didn't everyone think of that. In Las Vegas, it's the fittest that 'survive', and the 'weak' will simply 'die', and problem solved. How very "simple", minded of her.
Well, they elected her three (3) times, so 'maybe' they deserve her, but they probably had no clue that later on, like now, she would toss them to the killer virus instead of at least first trying to protect them from themselves.
Remember folks, she said, "That's not the mayor's job."
Good luck, and good-bye.

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"A Measured Step" In Georgia

'Well, I'll be the first of many to admit that I'm certainly not a doctor, scientist, or for that matter, anyone that has even half a brain, but you can be assured that I 'am' a very good 'middle finger trump puppet', and anything that's good enough for my 'master', is of course, more than good enough for me.
"This is going to take some common sense. Our people have learned." Yeah, I really don't know 'what' they've "learned", but if they have watched me closely, they certainly had to have "learned" 'something', if nothing else, that I have very little "common sense".   I just tell them, 'do as I say, not as I do'. Not sure what the hell that means actually, but I bet someone out there knows.
My 'people', or at least those foolish enough to vote for me, tell me they have suffered cabin fever long enough! Did you know that there's people out there that need a hair cut, they need their fingernails painted, there's people who are virtually starving to death because they don't know how to cook, people just want a good juicy burger in their mouths, people want to get a sun tan, and 'me', I want to get re-elected so that I can continue ruling Georgia with my head firmly imbedded up my simple minded arse!! Is that too much to ask! Is it??
You might wonder, well, right along with everyone else that has even a shred of common sense, 'Governor Kemp, how are you going to open up Georgia without killing thousands of innocent lives?' Don't worry, I wonder that too. But, "We are taking a measured step," that's right, "a measured step". You see, I have this 'yard stick' that I use in cases like this so-called 'pandemic' thing. You can use it to measure other stuff too, but I just use it for emergencies like this one that was 'probably' created by the Democrats. I'm pretty sure that I need only use about 12 inches of it to figure this thing out. That's why I call it a "measured step". For instance, say you want a hair cut. Well, you put on your hazmat suit, go in, sit in the barber chair and say, 'Hey, I need a hair cut'. Your barber, dressed likewise has to stay at least 12 inches away from your head. That's called a "measured step". Same thing to get your nails painted, or let's say you want to get a 'wax' job, same-o, same-o. Boy, this is gonna work out real well.

 Like our 'Boy-King' says, "This is like a real war". Some folks, or 'soldiers' as I call them, are just gonna have to die so that the rest of us can live! Do you like peaches? I sure do, and I hope there'll be enough people left to pick them. We'll see. Right?'

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Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has defended his plan to reopen some businesses in his state, including gyms and hair salons, later this week after facing strong backlash for what critics say is a premature and irresponsible action.

'Yeahhhh...No More Masks!

' more masks!, you know, that in all probability stops or at least slows the spread of this deadly virus, which I'm pretty sure doesn't even exist in the first place, but just in case, I've got my bandanna at the ready. Oh, and, I have a right to become infected with a deadly virus that could conceivably kill me, and I have a right to go home from this little 'social meeting', and infect my whole family, some of whom, especially the elderly, will likely die from it. But..., that's my right under the constitution, I'm like what'cha might call, a very 'learned' denier, and not a bad 'trumper' at that! And besides, my hero, trump, 'The Denier', has my back. 
Hmmm..., Let's see, what else do we demand....ahhh...hmmmm….ahhh, boy, ya got me there! Oh wait! I don't know how to do my own 'nails'. Wait!, I know now, how about we have a right to hear only lies from our cult leader? Yeah, that's a really important right that our constitution gives us. No more truth! No more truth! The 'truth' is just a bunch of lies! Down with truth! Did I mention "Fire Dr. Fauci"!? Yeah, he's gotta go! He makes our lies look really bad. That hurts our feelings. He should be fired for having ethics and morals, and courage, and especially for his constant 'truth telling' in public! I mean, who does that!? Our cult leader tells us that, 'Scientists and Physicians are enemy of the people', you know, people just like myself.
Everybody sing along with me, "Down With Truth', sung to the tune of, 'Down With Truth'! And by the way, see this body? Not only do I look 'hot' in my designer 'protest togs', but I have a right to do whatever I want to do with my own body, even if it entails, like I said, becoming infected with a deadly virus, but also spreading that virus to totally innocent people. So there! That's my 'right'. And stop trying to take my guns away from me. And, I miss going out and doing stuff. And make my grocery store get some tomatoes! Oh darn, that's all I can think of right now, shoulda thought of stuff before I came. Gotta run, time for my 'therapy' session.'

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