Saturday, July 1, 2017

Our States Are "Trying To Hide" From Trump

So Now, it's all of America, All of our States that is the problem as Trump see's it. Everyone is "trying to hide" the 'truth' from Trump. He's the only truthful American in America, everyone else is a big fat liar, and "fake news" makers. This man appears to suffer from a serious mind altering persecution complex, and alter ego that has no favorable end in sight. If Trump had been required to take a Psychological, and Personality exam as a requisite just to qualify to even Run for the Oval Office, he would have failed with flying colors, and we would not now be stuck with an apparently mentally deficient, serial liar, one who even believes his own lies.

A Saturday morning tweet from the president indicates the commission's work is a top priority for him.|By Philip Bump

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