Wednesday, July 26, 2017

No, Mr.Trump, We All Don't!

As I am want to do, I 'wanted' to write a 'Buddy'sSatirical Rambling' piece on this news posting ref Trumps 'Tweet'. I have written many pieces of 'satire' on this 'Presidential Pretender', but I am at a loss of words with this particular Trump-Tweet. There is no humorous 'satire' that would do justice to this man who obviously has some as yet un-diagnosed but serious mental issue with his brain. It seems that with each tweet-blert he tries to outdo the last one that we all hoped would have 'been' the 'last' one. But they just keep on coming as if his dumpster like brain has no bottom, and certainly no lack of idiotic scum in the bottom to pick from. When trump say's "..we worship God", he is actually referring to 'himself' here. He see's himself as a "God' that we should look up to with reverence because he, single handedly, is making "America great again", except that he is Not doing that at all. America was already a "great" Nation prior to his unfortunate arrival. He is simply in the process of deconstructing the America we had before he came. The damage he has done, and will continue to do to America, and the world in general will take decades, if ever, to repair. By then the Americans of that generation will have forgotton what America was like pre-Trump. Who knows what it will actually be like by then, but it won't be a pretty sight. Rest assured that the longer he is our President with his un-stoppable King-like powers, it will only become worse. Trump is about as 'religious' as a rock. He simply plays on the radical evangelicals because they can cast a vote. They are just a "number" to him. Just like he played on the Scout leaders, and the scouts parents, and even the scouts themselves because in a few years they'll be old enough to vote for him. Otherwise he wouldn't give them the time of day. Trump is in it for the "huge numbers". It's all about Trump, all else be damned. If trump had been required to sit for a full Psychological Exam prior to running for the Office, he would have failed, and we would not be in this mess now. It's a bit ironic that a Law Enforcement candidate, for instance, must take a P.E. before he/she can even be considered for the job. And yet, our potential Commander-In-Chief, Our President of the USA, the Keeper of the 'Doomsday Button', simply has to have enough money to 'buy' the position of President, and he can be crazy as a loon, still get the job, and no one even blinks, even though there were obvious 'signs' of mental issues beforehand. Until sane, and serious Americans of ALL political parties, including 'religious' faiths of all kinds, as well as those who do not subscribe to any 'religious' leanings, come together and Reject Trump, The Incompetent, on 'Mental Incompetency' grounds, we all will have to suffer his destructive presence in our midst forever. We must resist, and reject Trump. America can do better than this!

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