Saturday, July 8, 2017

And The 'Truth' Is?

The American public will Never fully 'know' what these two dangerous fools 'talked' about during their 'secret squirrel' meeting of the 'minds'. Having only Tillerson present as his 'witness' works right into Trumps lack of Transparency in Government policy. No note takers, no recordings, no video, no 'reporters' of any kind, will let Trump and Tillerson revert to their "Alternative Facts" method of telling the 'truth'. Trump has not, to date, told the truth about anything, ...and it's unlikely that he will start now. Tillerson will simply do as Trump directs him to do, and will say whatever makes Trump look 'good', if that's even possible in the first place. The 'truth', and nothing near the truth, will ever be revealed here, and Trump will again surf the waves of his own produced for TV show, 'I'm President, and you're not'. He will bluster about how great it was to meet, and hold hands with his nearly BFF, how he cowed Putin into conceding this and that, about how much bigger his hands are than Putin's, about how Mexico will pay for his wall, and on, and on, ad nauseam, and he will never admit what America, and the rest of the world is convinced of, concerning Russia's meddling in our elections. He dares not offend his Now BFF(in his own mind anyway) Putin. Tillerson will praise Trump as the best 'negotiator' he's ever seen, and what a better 'tan' Trump has than Putin. His Republican minions will wax on about what a great day this was for Republican Americans, and Republican voters who foolishly still follow Trump will bow to his (in their own minds) eminence. The President of Mexico is fully, and correctly convinced that Trump is a babe in the woods when it comes to politics, and world affairs, and Mexico still will not pay for trumps wall. America sent an egotistical, out of touch with reality, novice to 'deal' with professional politicians and dictators. And This is the 'best' we can do? 'This' is what we offer the world? A gaggle of dangerous liars. 

See More
The challenge for President Donald Trump heading into his biggest diplomatic gut check yet was to hold his own with Russian President Vladimir Putin|By Stephen Collinson

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